CSSE 375 Software Construction and Evolution: More SCM, and a loop back to Feathers! Shawn and Steve Left – On big systems, SCM is a well-defined process.
2 And – likewise for systems!
3 Recall: Change Management Change management handles change requests General Change Process 1. Change is requested (this can be done by anyone including users and developers) 2. Change request is assessed against project goals 3. Change is accepted or rejected 4. If it is accepted, the change is assigned to a developer and implemented (otherwise, it’s returned to originators with rationale) 5. The implemented change is audited
4 Two types of controlling change: Promotion: Internal development state of a software is changed. Release: A changed software system is made visible outside the development organization. Approaches for controlling change (Change Policy) Informal (good for research type environments and promotions) Formal (good for externally developed CIs and for releases) Controlling Changes User Promotion Promote Policy Release Policy Software Engineer Master Directory Software Repository Q9
5 Standard SCM Directories Programmer’s Directory (IEEE Std: “Dynamic Library”) Completely under control of one programmer Master Directory (IEEE Std: “Controlled Library”) Central directory of all promotions Software Repository (IEEE Std: “Static Library”) Externally released baselines Foo’12Foo’13 Release Central source code archive Promotion
6 Change Policies When a promotion or a release is performed, one or more policies apply Purpose of policies is to guarantee that each version, revision, or release conforms to commonly accepted criteria Example change policies: “No developer is allowed to promote source code which cannot be compiled without errors and warnings.” “No baseline can be released without having been beta-tested by at least 500 external users.” Change Policies
7 Recall: Version vs. Revision vs. Release Version: An initial release or re-release of a configuration item associated with a complete compilation or recompilation of the item. Different versions have different functionality. Revision: Change to a version that corrects only errors in the design/code, but does not affect the documented functionality. Release: The formal distribution of an approved version. Question: Is Windows 8 a new version or a new revision compared to Windows 7?
8 Software Configuration Management Plan Defines the types of artifacts to be managed and a naming scheme Defines who takes responsibility for the CM procedures and creation of baselines Defines policies for change control and version management Describes tools to be used to assist the CM process and any limitations on their use Defines the configuration management database used to record configuration information
9 Software Configuration Management Plan 1. Introduction (WHY?) Describes purpose, scope of application, key terms and references 2. Management (WHO?) Identifies the responsibilities and authorities for accomplishing the planned configuration management activities 3. Activities (WHAT?) Identifies the activities to be performed in applying to the project. 4. Schedule (WHEN?) Establishes the sequence and coordination of the SCM activities with project mile stones 5. Resources (HOW?) Identifies tools and techniques required for the implementation of the SCMP 6. Maintenance Identifies activities and responsibilities on how the SCMP will be kept current during the life- cycle of the project.
10 Types of Audits In-process Audits Verify consistency of the design as it evolves through development process Functional Audits Verify that functionality and performance are consistent with requirements defined in the SRS Physical Audits Verify that the as-built version of software and documentation are internally consistent and ready for delivery Quality System Audits Independent assessment of the compliance to the software QA plan
11 What is the key tradeoff for making software changes like those in refactoring? Think for 15 seconds… Turn to a neighbor and discuss it for a minute Let’s hear what you think… Q10
12 Paradox of Source Code Change Code changes can degrade quality (bugs & ill structure), so it is better not to make changes Not changing code can degrade quality (not fit for purpose), so it is better to change code To escape this we need confidence in changes How do we know we have it right? How do we know we didn’t break existing behavior? Q11
13 Heuristic for Changing Difficult Code Examine code needing change and ask: What new code will I write? Can I put it in a new method or class? …If so, do it! Net Gain New responsibilities are separated from old ones Writing a test for a new method or class is often easier than writing it for an old one Q12
14 Wait a minute.. Isn’t that bad Advice? What about putting code where it really belongs? Answer: When changing difficult code, it pays to be cautious First task is to make changes without harming the system Hippocratic oath: “first, do no harm…” Then the system can be improved Q13
15 For those Safe (and easy) Changes Back to Michael Feathers, one more time! Sprout Method Sprout Class Wrap Method Wrap Class Sprouts are Chia Pet Patterns Q14