Traffic Flow Nora Shora Laura Tatsch
Traffic Flow Exploring dynamic vs. static toll pricing in a traffic network simulation model
Presentation Overview Background Problem How we did it Results Conclusion Recommendations
Background Traffic congestion in major cities worldwide Capacity-limited transportation network All of the following increase due to traffic: Travel time Number of stops Travel costs Delays Air pollution Accidents Noise level
Problem Initially Examine how dynamic toll pricing will affect the flow of traffic of a Knoxville, TN simulation model. Examine how multiple organizations controlling the toll booths in a city would affect traffic flow. Realistically Examine the effects of dynamic vs. static toll pricing in the network simulation model of Knoxville, TN
How We Did It Acquired simulation code and downloaded JBuilder New Direction of Problem Modified Code Found freeway arcs and demographic zones Added code to apply tolls on some freeway arcs Added time and cost weights to each of the 9 zones
How We Did It Acquired simulation code and downloaded JBuilder New Direction of Problem Modified Code Found freeway arcs and demographic zones Added code to apply tolls on some freeway arcs Added time and cost weights to each of the 9 zones
Blah blah
How We Did It Acquired simulation code and downloaded JBuilder New Direction of Problem Modified Code Found freeway arcs and demographic zones Added code to apply tolls on some freeway arcs Added time and cost weights to each of the 9 zones
How We Did It //BEGINNING OF PRICING OF ARCS //TOP Freeway // pricing scheme for link if(this.getUpstreamIntersection().getIntersectionName().equalsIgnoreCase("n396") && this.getDownstreamIntersection().getIntersectionName().equalsIgnoreCase("n428")) { if( Master.timeNow <= 60){ travelCostCar = travelCostCar + (new Float(150)).floatValue()/100 ; } else if(Master.timeNow > 60 && Master.timeNow > 90){ travelCostCar = travelCostCar + (new Float(150)).floatValue()/100 ; } else if(Master.timeNow > 90 && Master.timeNow > 120){ travelCostCar = travelCostCar + (new Float(150)).floatValue()/100 ; } else if(Master.timeNow > 120 && Master.timeNow > 180){ travelCostCar = travelCostCar + (new Float(150)).floatValue()/100 ; } else if(Master.timeNow > 180 && Master.timeNow > 210){ travelCostCar = travelCostCar + (new Float(150)).floatValue()/100 ; }
How We Did It Acquired simulation code and downloaded JBuilder New Direction of Problem Modified Code Found freeway arcs and demographic zones Added code to apply tolls on some freeway arcs Added time and cost weights to each of the 9 zones
How We Did It Zone Data =========== ZoneKeyID: 1 Centroid:93 CarOwnershipPercent: 100 BikeOwnershipPercent: 50 ActivityPercents: travelTimeWeight: 90 travelCostWeight: 10 travelDistanceWeight: 1 waitingTimeWeight: 1 walkingDistanceWeight: 1 comfortWeight: 1 safetyWeight: 1 transferWeight: 1
How We Did It Ran simulation with various static tolls Added demand between zone 3 and zone 1 and ran simulation with static and dynamic tolls Changed demand to be from zones 8 to 1 and 1 to 8 Ran simulation again with static and dynamic toll prices with new demand Analyzed the results
How We Did It Demand Data =========== StartInterval: 0 EndInterval: 300 Multiplier: 8 From/To
How We Did It Ran simulation with various static tolls Added demand between zone 3 and zone 1 and ran simulation with static and dynamic tolls Changed demand to be from zones 8 to 1 and 1 to 8 Ran simulation again with static and dynamic toll prices with new demand Analyzed the results
Conclusion Increase in toll prices did not change average travel and stop times Dynamic vs. static pricing Dynamic helped reduce average travel and stop times when compared to static pricing Dynamic pricing has this effect up to a specific initial toll price
Recommendations More simulation runs should be completed for more complete results Larger and smaller increases in tolls Increase by 20 per time segment Increase by 50 per time segment Different time segments Look at different organizational objectives