Integrating Robotics into Our Classrooms: The iRobot Create Curriculum Speaker: Kevin Martinez Acknowledgements: Magdalina Medina, Intern Prof Winslow Burleson, Mentor Arizona Space Grant Symposium Arizona State University, April 18, 2009
Presentation Outline Purpose of iRobot Curriculum Curriculum Summary Current Progress
iRobot Create Curriculum: Area of Impact in the Classroom Algorithmic Thinking Computer Programming –Novice-Intermediate Level Java Peer to Peer Interaction Robotics
Why iRobot Create? Inexpensive Programming Flexibility Sensor Options
iRobot Create Curriculum: Overview Introduction to iRobot and Robotics –Elementary Java Programming –CreateComm –Basic Motion –Using Sensor Packages Terrain Mapping iRobot the Pet Robot
iRobot Create Curriculum: Sensor Focus Available Sensor Packages –Bump and Wheel- Drop –Cliff and Wall Sensors and Programming –Commands –Cumulative
iRobot Create Curriculum: Current Progress The Current Curriculum –Ten Lessons Movement Sensors Future Curriculum –Terrain Mapping –Pet Robot
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