Barclays Mobile Robotics Hour 1 Overview Session
What is a Robot ? From Wikipedia A robot is a mechanical or virtual artificial agent, usually an electro- mechanical machine that is guided by a computer program or electronic circuitry. Robots can be autonomous or semi-autonomous and range from humanoids such as Honda's Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility (ASIMO) and TOSY's TOSY Ping Pong Playing Robot (TOPIO) to industrial robots, collectively programmed swarm robots, and even microscopic nano robots. By mimicking a lifelike appearance or automating movements, a robot may convey a sense of intelligence or thought of its own.
What is a Robot ? From The Oxford English Dictionary A machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically, especially one programmable by a computer:
What is a Robot
What is a Robot – The Future ? What do you think a robot is ? Could a robot replace your teacher ?
Using Robotics To Learn Programming At Barclays we have found that using small robots teaches programming in a way that helps everyone understand the basics We will be using these robots from 4tronix 3 different challenges Programming at the end of the session - create your own robot zoog on the screen
Icebreaker Ever wanted to be an app ? Now is your chance
Introducing the Robot How the Robot works How to upload code How to change code
Introducing the Robot – The IDE Where you write code Save your sketch – the app
Introducing the Robot – The Sketch The sketch is the app void loop() Curly bracket {} Semicolon ; Functions – command Arguments to function Debug print void loop() { Serial.println(“In the loop"); forward(1000,255,255); halt(0); reverse(1000,255,255); halt(0); }
Introducing the Robot Plug the robot into the laptop with the USB Cable Load and run BRC_Move sketch Make some changes to see what happens
Barclays Mobile Robotics Hour 2 Move Challenge 1
Barclays Mobile Robotics Hour 3 Shape Challenge 2
Barclays Mobile Robotics Hour 4 The Auto Challenge
The if instruction You can use the if instruction also called a statement to execute code if something is true Each sketch for the advanced challenge contains a working if – for example If ( leftObstacleSensor() == true ) { //Execute this block of code within the curly brackets halt(0); reverse(0,255); }
Active Sensor - Ultrasonic
Passive Sensor - Motion Motion Sensors can detect movement – they look for IR / Heat
Passive Sensor – Light/IR Light Sensor can detect Light – Or Infra Red. Used a lot in Robotics for position and distance calculation
Laser Range Finders Laser Range Finders send out a laser beam. The beam bounces off its target and the light comes back and the sensors can measure the time difference. This is a very accurate measurement. Expensive to buy
Barclays Mobile Robotics Hour 5 The Line Follower
Quick Revise on the if instruction You can use the if instruction also called a statement to execute code if something is true Each sketch for the advanced challenge contains a working if – for example If ( leftObstacleSensor() == true ) { //Execute this block of code within the curly brackets halt(0); reverse(0,255); }
Passive Sensor – Light/IR Light Sensor can detect Light – Or Infra Red. Used a lot in Robotics for position and distance calculation
Barclays Mobile Robotics Hour 6 Robots with Line Follower – Speed Challange
Line Follower Track Line follower track – robot uses sensors to track line Your code to keep robot on the line and get it from start to finish
Barclays Mobile Robotics Hour 7 Programming With Processing
Software and programming First Programmable Computer – 1944 – World War II helped to break Codes Colossus Mainframes Desktop PC Smartphones Credit Cards Google Glass What Next ?
Software and programming Computing Power has doubled every 18 months since 1980 A Cray XMP in 1990 cost 20 Million Dollars Same computer in 2014 costs $200 dollars and is still 10 times more powerful If we had same comparisons with Aeroplanes – then you could by a jumbo jet for the same cost as a pizza Computing power in 20 years will be astonishing
Software – Lets Code
The Screen Grid Pixel
s The Screen Grid X Direction
The Screen Grid Y Direction
The Screen Grid Coordinate (X,Y) 5,4
? 3? 4? The Screen Grid Coordinate (X,Y) (6,3) ????
The Screen Grid Coordinate System of Screen could be 1280 x 1024 (X,Y) (600,700) ????
Software – Lets Code Open Processing on Laptop Get to first Screen This is an IDE This is where you will write code Called a Sketch Save the Sketch Open an Example
Software – Lets Code Example – Open the Bounce Sketch and have a look and run
Software – Lets Code Have a look at the code – can you see how to make the ball get smaller or bigger ? Faster or slower ? Have a look and see what you think – use the stop button and restart when you have made a change in the code
Software – Lets Code Software programs are procedural Real Life Demo! You are Sketch! See how programs are procedures – one instruction then another In a Loop
Software – Lets Code Lets look at writing a few lines of code – create a new sketch and type these lines size(500,500); ellipse(100,100,50,50); Now run
Software – Lets Code Syntax is important – this sets the size of the window size(500,500);
Software – Lets Code Syntax is important – draw a circle ellipse(100,100,50,50);
Software – Lets Code We can change colour and size of lines. Colour can be set by the fill command size(300,300); fill(0); ellipse(100,100,40,50); fill(255); ellipse(140,140,40,50);
Software – Lets Code Some commands can set the colour fill If you use single number 0 is black and 255 is white If you use a triplet with RGB Red Green Blue 255,0,0 is red fill(255,0,0); ellipse(100,100,20,20); Draws an circle that is red
Software – Lets Code We can change colour and size of lines. Colour can be set by the fill command size(300,300); fill(0,255,0); ellipse(100,100,40,50); fill(255,0,255,0); ellipse(140,140,40,50);
Software – Lets Code Different commands line(x1,y1,x2,y2); stroke(34); ( Line Colour) strokeWeight(3); rect(x1,y1,l,w); background(255); Use these to make something!
// zoog size(200,200); background(255); smooth(); ellipseMode(CENTER); rectMode(CENTER); // Body stroke(0); fill(150); rect(100,100,20,100); // Eyes fill(0); ellipse(81,70,16,32); ellipse(119,70,16,32); // Legs stroke(0); line(90,150,80,160); line(110,150,120,160);
Software – Lets Code Lets look ad Sketch Structure so we can build more advanced sketches void setup() { } void draw() { }
Software – Lets Code void setup() { // Set the size of the window size(200,200); } // draw() loops continuously until you close the sketch window. void draw() { // Draw a white background background(255); // Set CENTER mode ellipseMode(CENTER); rectMode(CENTER); // Draw Zoog's body stroke(0); fill(150); rect(100,100,20,100); Type the first part into a new sketch Save it!
Software – Lets Code // Draw Zoog's head stroke(0); fill(255); ellipse(100,70,60,60); // Draw Zoog's eyes fill(0); ellipse(81,70,16,32); ellipse(119,70,16,32); // Draw Zoog's legs stroke(0); line(90,150,80,160); line(110,150,120,160); } Don’t Forget the Curly Bracket! Then Run it – don’t forget to save it you will need it
Software – Lets Code void setup() { size(200,200); } void draw() { background(255); stroke(0); fill(175); rectMode(CENTER); rect(mouseX,mouseY,50,50); }
Software – Lets Code Go back to zoog sketch and see if you can use mouseX and mouseY to move bits of zoog around Hint – you can write mouse+10 like ellipse(mouseX+10,mouseY,100,100);
Software – Lets Code Variables allow us to use names rather than values. We can modify the values when the sketch is running mouseX is a variable
Software – Lets Code // Declare and initialize two integer variables at the top of the code. int circleX = 100; int circleY = 100; void setup() { size(200,200); smooth(); } void draw() { background(255); stroke(0); fill(175); // Use the variables to specify the location of an ellipse. ellipse(circleX,circleY,50,50); } Copy this code to a new sketch Change the 100 values and see what happens
Software – Lets Code The if statement means you can test for a value and then only execute the code you need Great for sensors on robots – if the sensor is on – then go forward If ( test ) { Execute this code(value); }
Software – Lets Code The test can be greater than, less than, equal to AND OR and any combination you like: If ( mouseX > circleX ) { fill(255); ellipse(100,100,20,20); }
Software – Lets Code These are the most popular if tests If ( mouseX > circleX ) - Great than If ( mouseX < circleX ) - Less than If ( mouseX == circleX ) - Equals If ( mouseX != circleX ) - Does NOT Equals If ( mouseX == circleX && mouseY == circleY) - AND If ( mouseX == circleX || mouseY == circleY) - OR
Software – Lets Code float r = 150; float g = 0; float b = 0; void setup() { size(200,200); } void draw() { background(r,g,b); stroke(255); line(width/2,0,width/2,height); If (mouseX > width/2) { r = 255; } else { r = 0; } Type this in – what happens ???? Change things around
Resources Resource Slides – see notes
Laptop Build 12 Laptops for 24 Pupils Xubuntu Arduino Basic Shape Basic Line Follower Basic Follow Basic Avoid Processing
Arduino 12 Arduino Boards – not all lessons required 12 Ultrasonic Sensors 12 Bread boards 24 LED / Resistors Ultrasonic Sketch provided to get distance and light LED Circuit Design and Build Instructions
Processing Installed software Prewritten Sketches
Final Challenges Shape follow – robots x 6 Cables and Wheels Laptops 6 A3 / Flipcharts sheets for flow diagrams 2 x A0 sheets with line follower. 2 x Obstacles – could be TBC For follower use a pupil!