` What do you think of when you hear ? Robot
Rosie ?
Those are all fictional robots Just to entertain us! However –
The following are the real thing! Uses: – Repetitive motion – Dangerous tasks – Go in areas humans cannot reach
Urbie NASA’s robot
Danti II Volcano exploration
Underwater Robots
Explosives Robot
Industrial Robot
Household Robot
All of these robots meet the criteria to be a robot
Criteria to be a Robot Body – physical substance and shape of some type
Criteria Continued Control A program to control the robot (robots must be told what to do)
Control Input – Information that comes from a robot’s sensors Programmable – A set of instructions or rules that programmers give robots Output – The action a robot takes, often involving motors, lights or sounds
Criteria Continued Behavior The combination of outputs that results in the task or job the robot does.
What are the common features Of a Robot?