JEOPARDY The Early Modern Period
Categories The Explorers The Portuguese French and English Explorers The Spanish Explorers People Vocabulary
What was mercantilism? This was the economic system that believed that a nation’s real wealth was in it’s gold and silver, and a nation must export more than it imports.
What was the World Economy? This was created by Europeans during the late 16th century; based on control of the seas; established an international exchange of foods, diseases, and manufactured products.
Who were the Portuguese? Who were the Portuguese? These were the first Europeans to explore and trade with Africa.
Who was Ferdinand Magellan? Who was Ferdinand Magellan? He was the Portuguese captain who sailed for the Spanish and began the first circumnavigation of the globe in He died during voyage, but allowed Spain to claim possession of the Philippines.
What was the Caravel? This was a sailing vessel designed to carry larger loads and used the triangular sails of the Arabs combined with square rigging.
Who was Vasco da Gama? He was the first Portuguese Sea Captain to reach the coast of India by sailing around Africa.
Who was Bartholomeu Dias? He the first European sailor to round the Cape of Good Hope for the Portuguese.
Who was Christopher Columbus? He was the Genoese Captain who sailed for Spain and triggered a global exchange in this era with his discoveries.
Who was Prince Henry the Navigator? He was the Portuguese noble who established a school for navigators in the early 15th century.
Daily Double “Don’t Choke!”
Who was Vasco de Nunez Balboa?. He was the first Spanish explorer to reach the Pacific Ocean by crossing the Isthmus of Panama..
What was Spain? This was the European country that took over the Philippines.
What were Boers? The is the name given to Dutch farmers in South Africa.
Who was Samuel de Champlain? He was the explorer who founded the first French settlement in Quebec in 1608.
Who was Hernan Cortes? He was the Spaniard who defeated the Aztecs of Mexico.
What was death due to diseases i.e., small pox, measles, mumps? This was the most dramatic effect of Europeans on natives in the Americas.
What were corn, potatoes, pumpkin, yams, tobacco, chocolate, etc.? These were Native American products that Europeans adopted and became staples on the Continent.
What was French and Indian War or the Seven Year’s War?. This was the name of the conflict in America triggered by rivalry between Britain and France all over the world.. form of Protestantism in England established by Henry VIII.
What was England or Great Britain? This was the country that claimed North America after the Treaty of Paris in 1763.
What was the Middle Passage? This was the name for the leg of the triangular trade that brought Africans to America.
Who were Ferdinand and Isabella? These two rulers expelled the Muslims and the Jews from Spain in 1492.
Daily Double “Don’t Choke!”
What was the Battle of Lepanto? This was the huge sea battle that was fought by the Spanish for control of the Mediterranean Sea in 1571.
What was the Columbian Exchange ? This was the interaction between Europe and the Americas which caused the deaths of millions of native Americans and new crops spread around the world.
What was The Dutch East India Company? This company was formed by a wealthy group of merchants from the Netherlands in 1602, and wielded an unusual amount of governmental power.
What were Dependent economic zones? These were regions within the world economy that produced raw materials and were dependent upon European markets and shipping.
What was Calcutta? This is where the British East India Company headquarters was located in Bengal. It was captured in 1756 during the Sepoy Rebellion and later became the administrative center for populous Bengal.
What were the Atlantic colonies or Thirteen colonies ? These were the British colonies in North America along Atlantic coast from New England to Georgia.
Who was Francisco Pizarro? He was the Spanish explorer who arrived in the Americas in 1502 and joined Balboa in Panama, and then successfully attacked the Inca Empire.
Who were Mestizos? These were people of mixed European and Native American heritage in the Americas.
What was New France ? These were the French colonies in Canada and extended along the St. Lawrence River and Great Lakes and down the Mississippi River valley system.
What was the Cape Colony? This was the Dutch colony established at the Cape of Good Hope in 1652 to provide a coastal station for Dutch ships traveling to and from Asia the Dutch settlers expanded and fought with Bantus and other Africans.