Resistance and Protest Squatters—Native africans settling illegally on European owned land Labor Unions formed Protests Against identification cards Against Aparthied- means apartness Better paying jobs to whites only
Resistance and Protest Aparthied—A system of Racial segregation in South Africa Forced Native Africans away from good farm land Forced Native Africans away from good jobs Leadership and voting rights taken away.
African Nationalism African National Congress(ANC) Members worked through legal means to abolish apartheid Organized protests against laws that restricted freedoms of black Africans ANC—had no effect on S. Africa’s white government
Independence for Egypt African nationalism leads to Egyptian independence in 1922 British troops stayed to protect the Suez Canal Muslim Brotherhood—organization that formed in Egypt that protested western culture
Nationalist reforms in Iran and Turkey Westernization—pressure to modernize and change to a western culture Iran and Turkey both accepted western ways Muslim calendar replaced with Christian calendar Replace Arabic script with Latin alphabet Hired western economic advisors Both Iran and Turkey won better terms with the British
Betrayal at the Peace Conference Arab nations supported the Allies in WWI Promised independence British and French took control of Arab lands once owned by Ottoman Empire Arabs felt betrayed
Promises in Palestine Zionism—Idea of a Jewish homeland in the land of Palestine Balfour Declaration—supported the idea of establishing a national homeland for the Jews To gain Jewish support of European Jews for the war effort “Nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine”
Conflict between Jews and Muslims Anti-Semitism leads to many Jews moving to Palestine in 1930’s Jews bought land in Palestine some refused to hire Arabs Both sides promised land Both sides would fight for that land