WMO Feedback on CAS-16 and TECO Kindly hosted by the Turkish State Meteorological Service Deon Terblanche WMO; RES ARE, WGNE, March 2014
CAS-16 Technical Conference (TECO) (1) “RESPONDING TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL STRESSORS OF THE 21ST CENTURY” Monday - Tuesday, November 2013, Antalya, Turkey 6 Sessions wide ranging topics Keynote and invited talks, panel discussions 85 participants and 24 posters in poster session aligned to six TECO themes Webcast arranged by host, media support on site by Clare Nullis (one web news each on TECO and CAS-16, write-up for Meteoworld. 4 items on Facebook reaching about 25,000 people. The weekly Facebook reach was 71,000 (nearly double the previous record), partly on the basis of the TECO activity and a couple of widely shared postings made on new videos and visualizations of IPCC report. TECO provided valuable input to the CAS-16 session, specifically to Item 9, related to the future direction of the commission Co-chaired by Gilbert Brunet and Oystein Hov
16 th Session of CAS(1) Monday to Tuesday, November 2013, Antalya, Turkey DSG present on Wednesday 20 th, Tang Xu for TECO and until Thursday 21 st Side events: THORPEX TIGGE utilities WIGOS Metadata World Weather Open Science Conference 21% female involvement
16 th Session of CAS (2) Elections Friday morning, 22 Nov – 45 members (48 including proxies), quorum 41 One candidate for president Oystein Hov, Norway. Three candidates for vice president, each having a 10 minute intervention (two rounds of voting): Jim Butler, (USA) Emilio Cuevas (Spain) Jae-Cheol Nam (Republic of Korea) Selection of Chairs and CAS MG WWRP Gilbert Brunet (UK) until 31 Dec 2014 thereafter Sarah Jones (Germany
16 th Session of CAS (3) Selection of Chairs and CAS MG WWRP Gilbert Brunet (UK) until 31 Dec 2014 thereafter Sarah Jones (Germany) EPAC Greg Carmichael Selection of members CAS Management Group President Oystein Hov (president) Jae-Cheol Nam (vice president) Michel Beland (former president) Gilbert Brunet / Sarah Jones (chair WWRP) Greg Carmichael (chair EPAC) Andy Brown (co-chair WGNE) Duan Yi-hong (invited expert) Mariane Diop-Kane Shiv Dev Attri Alice Grimm Jim Butler Beth Ebert Philippe Bougeault
Document 9: A 10-year future view: Emerging challenges and opportunities. Integrated GHG information system: Serving society and supporting policy Water: Modelling an predicting the water cycle for improved DRR and resource management Aerosols: Impacts on air quality, weather and climate High impact weather and its socio-economic effects in the context of global change Urbanization: Research and services for megacities and large urban complexes Evolving technologies: Impact on science and its use, including geoengineering Document 10: Working structure of the Commission Clear ToRs, standardization between WWRP and EPAC Two Scientific Steering Committee with independent experts – strengthening peer review Redefined OPAGs promoting gender and youth involvement Clear membership and chair selection processes with an emphasis on rotation and wider involvement Links with WMO Strategic Plan Monitoring and Evaluation Youth and gender focus under leadership of vice president 16 th Session of CAS (4)
Thank you for your attention
COST Action ES1004 EuMetChem Base map: © schulbilder.org 23 COST countries 4 COST neighbour countries 2 COST partner countries 3 EU institutions 18 online models analysed =>
Suggestions for WMO WGNE - EuMetChem COST ES1004 collaboration Joint analysis of on aerosol feedbacks on NWP (case studies of WGNEE (3), EuMetChem (3), AQMEII (2010)) Initial discussion on EGU Session AS4.2 ‘Integrated physical and chemical weather modelling with two-way interactions’ and Splinter meeting on 30 Apr 2014 Participation in Aveiro Summer School, 6-11 June 2014 Joint EuMetChem/MACC/WGNEE Coupled modelling Conference at WMO, 9-11 Feb Joint Web-site and WMO report. ACP special issue jointly with WMO WGNE and EGU/Integrated modelling session. Joint vision of the EuMetChem Activity after COST ES1004