The Water Cycle By Nick Williams and Sam Beck
Remembering The Water cycle is how all the water on the planet moves around the hydrosphere. This is in evaporation, transpiration, transportation and condensation. This means one part of water could get evaporated from an ocean, fall down as rain and then run down the mountain back to ocean. This picture shows the water cycle and all the components and the terms to describe different geographical processes. Water also leaves to surface of the earth from transpiration (like sweat) from trees and vegetation. It then rises and condenses as clouds.
Understanding Evaporation – when water from ocean, streams, rivers and lakes, gets warmed by the sun it rises into the atmosphere as tiny particles, it rises until a level where it begins to cool. When it cools it condenses with other particles and forms clouds. High jet streams at altitude move these clouds around the world. Transpiration – Similar to evaporation but the moisture in the atmosphere comes from vegetation and the moisture that they give off. The vegetation gains it’s moisture from rain that has infiltrated the surrounding soil. The roots then absorb the water. Condensation – When moisture high in the atmosphere groups or condenses it forms clouds. They then can be transported to anywhere in the surrounding region. This leads to precipitation Precipitation – When clouds gain too much water the moisture condenses causing rain on the earth. This is called precipitation. It happens when moisture in the atmosphere condenses beyond a level where it can support itself. Percolation – when water hits the ground it is absorbed by the soil and soaks into the earth. This is important because it keeps the soil healthy. It is also vital to transpiration because vegetation gains its moisture from water below the ground via its roots.
Applying The water cycle is in effect in the world everyday It is accountable for humidity, rainfall and cloud cover. The humidity is caused by evaporation levels And rain is precipitation The more clouds in a given area and the more water in those clouds the heavier the rainfall will be We can effect our water cycle By putting pollutants into any part of the water cycle they will stay and effect anything that relies on the water cycle, plants and animals…
Analysing Water cycle as known as the Hydrological Cycle is a cycle where the water is constantly moving within and above the Earth. Human Activity on the water cycle include; Dry land Salinity, Irrigation Salinity, Rising in Sea Levels, Toxic Runoff. Increased water demand by a growing population and will discharge more wastewater. Urbanization has influenced stages of the water cycle which include the infiltration, evaporation and transportation that increases the scale of urban flash floods. Major human processes affecting the water cycle on land. R = storage of water in reservoirs; G = groundwater mining; I = irrigation; U = urbanization; C = combustion; D = deforestation; W = wetlands.
Evaluating You Tube Videos Quk Quk kJao&feature=related kJao&feature=related The videos shows the different stages of the water or hydrological cycle.
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