Multi-Relational Data Mining: An Introduction Joe Paulowskey
Overview Introduction to Data Mining Relational Data Patterns Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) Relational Association Rules Relational Decision Trees Relation Distance-Based Approaches
Relation Data Relational Database Multiple Tables Defined Views Tables
Relational Pattern Multiple Relations from a relational database More Expressive Opens up Classification Association Regression
Relational Pattern (Cont.) Expressed in Subsets of First Order Logic
Data Mining Look for patterns in data What do you discover? Associations Sequences Classifications Goals of Data Mining Predict Identify Classify Optimize Uses Business Data Environmental/Traffic Engineering Web Mining Drug Design
Data Mining: Relational Databases Most Data Mining approaches deal with single tables Not safe to merge multiple tables into one single table Number of patterns increases Explicit constraints required
Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) Logic Programs used to find patterns Clauses Head and Body Literals Types Definite Program
ILP (Cont) Predicate Relations in relational database Arguments -> Attributes Attributes are Typed Database Clauses are typed program clauses Deductive Database
Relational Rule Induction ILP Learn logical definitions of relations Classification Rules can be found by decision trees Simple Algorithm Dealing with noisy/incomplete data
ILP Problems to Propositional Forms Propositional attribute-value Use Single Table Data Mining algorithms LINUS Background Knowledge
ILP/RDM Algorithms Share Learning as a Search Paradigm Differences Representation of Data, Patterns Refinement operators Testing Coverage Upgrading from Propositional to Relational
Relational Association Rules Frequent Patterns Determining Frequency Itemsets Association Rules Obtained by frequent itemsets
Relational Decision Trees Used for Prediction Binary Trees First Order Decision List
Relational Distance-Based Approaches Calculated distance between two objects Statistical Approaches