Rotary Promotes Literacy A Look at Rotary’s Literacy Efforts Worldwide
What Is Literacy? Traditionally, literacy is defined as a person’s ability to read and write. It can also include functional abilities, like using a computer, understanding how to prevent certain diseases, or reading signs in a market.
Literacy Is Important Literacy empowers people and is essential for community development. Literate populations are more likely to Develop economically Live healthier lives Be more peaceful
The Global Situation Nearly 800 million people worldwide over the age of 15 can neither read nor write. Women and girls account for about 64 percent of this group. Nearly half of all children in Africa will not complete secondary school.
Adult Illiteracy Rates by Region Number of People (in millions)
Rotary Supports Literacy Whether donating dictionaries, building schools, or acting as tutors, Rotarians are active in efforts to reduce illiteracy around the world.
Rotarian Literacy Projects Each year, Rotarians carry out thousands of projects to Expand and improve early childhood literacy and education programs for both boys and girls Improve the ability of teachers to teach and empower schools to meet the needs of students in the community Increase access to adult learning programs for both men and women Reduce barriers to literacy Promote positive community environments for literacy
Literacy Resources Tools to Support Rotarian Literacy Projects
Literacy Resource Group Appointed annually by the RI president, the Literacy Resource Group is a network of Rotarian volunteers who support and encourage Rotary club and district participation in literacy activities worldwide.
Resource Group Structure General coordinator and assistant general coordinator promote global literacy efforts. Six area coordinators support regional literacy efforts in Asia, the South Pacific & Southern Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America, and North America. The 39 zone coordinators help support and encourage district literacy activities. Each district appoints a coordinator to help facilitate Rotarian and club literacy projects.
Work with the Resource Group Contact your district or zone coordinator for literacy resources and project ideas. Share project successes with district coordinator, zone coordinator, or Rotary International. Appoint a club literacy project coordinator to work with your district coordinator. Learn more about the Literacy Resource Group at
Contact the Resource Group Find contact information in the Official Directory, or contact RI: Rotary International (PD210) 1560 Sherman Avenue Evanston, IL USA Phone: Fax:
Cooperating for literacy To better support Rotarian literacy projects, Rotary International maintains a cooperative relationship with the International Reading Association.
International Reading Association A professional membership organization dedicated to promoting high levels of literacy for all Seeks to improve the quality of reading instruction and disseminate research and information about literacy Includes a network of 300,000 educators in nearly 100 countries who support a thriving professional program of publications, meetings, and advocacy and outreach efforts locally, nationally, and internationally
Cooperating for Literacy in Your Community Discuss literacy issues with Reading Association members in your community. Ask Reading Association members to speak about literacy at your club. Plan a joint literacy project with your local Reading Association. Celebrate International Literacy Day, 8 September, with a local Reading Association.
Learn More about the International Reading Association International Reading Association 800 Barksdale Road PO Box 8139 Newark, DE USA Phone: Fax:
Key Literacy Dates March – Literacy MonthLiteracy Month 8 September – International Literacy DayInternational Literacy Day
Other Rotary Literacy Resources RI Web site: Communities in Action: A Guide to Effective Projects Communities in Action: A Guide to Effective Projects A Menu of Service Opportunities Community Assessment Tools World Community Service Projects Exchange Community Projects Database Fact sheet on International Reading Association