The Factory System
Work Before Factories In the home or small shops Specialized - workers had to be very skilled Many owned small businesses
Working Class – After Factories Repetitive actions Unskilled Low Wages work quickly or risk punishment No safety regulations Rigid schedules
Working Class Whole families had to work Children as young as 6 worked up to 15 hour shifts Many required to live in company housing and shop using “script” at company stores
Mass Production Perfected by car manufacturer Henry Ford Products were now mass-produced –Conveyor belt, one repetitive action Parts were Standardized –Each product was exactly the same Fewer skilled workers were needed (less $$ spent in wages)
Mass Production Ford invented the idea of using an Assembly Line to speed up production.
Key Quote – Henry Ford How would this have helped to cut production costs? ‘A customer can have any color he likes for his car so long as it's black’
Assembly Lines ‘… each man and each machine do only one thing... the thing is to keep everything in motion and take the work to the man not the man to the work’ Henry Ford 1925
Problems with Factories Can you think of some problems that workers would have with the factory system??? What are they?