5 Minutes to Study!!!! Write one of the following questions at the TOP OF YOUR ESSAY!!! Good Luck. 1 Hour. 1) Compare and contrast the significance of the Berlin crises and also of Czechoslovakia’s ‘Prague Spring’ in the development of the Cold War in Europe during the period 1953 – ) In what ways did developments in Vietnam affect the Cold War between 1954 – 1968? 3) Analyze the part played by Cuba in the development of the Cold War in the period 1959 – ) Assess the impact of the Cold War on two regions excluding the United States and Soviet Union.
Icebreaker 1) Define détente 2) Explain -SALT I -SALT II -Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons -START I
Détente ~ 1969 – 1979 ~ easing of tensions between the US & SU SALT I- Froze the number of strategic ballistic missile launchers at existing levels SALT II- Stop the manufacture of nuclear weapons Treaty on Non – Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons – objective to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and technology – disarmament, & right to peacefully use nuclear technology START I – signed in 1991 limiting the number of nuclear warheads US & SU could have
SU had developed relationship with several Arab states In a 1967 war between Egypt & Israel SU supplied Egypt with weapons and military advisors and as a result were granted ports and airbases Détente continued to crumble as the US made it clear its intention to maintain its global power base Wave of revolutions break out in Developing World, especially in Middle East, Africa, and Central America. USSR saw this as opportunity to improve international position
Détente comes to a close with the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan SU sends Red Army to the support the new pro-soviet Afghan gov’t SU considered action to be inline with Brezhnev Doctrine
In 1978, the USSR invaded Afghanistan and tried to set up a friendly government. It became the USSR’s Vietnam, a long war with no clear victory possible and many casualties and high costs. The US supported the Afghani rebels known as the Mujahideen. In 1989 the Soviets finally withdrew. Islamic extremists used the opportunity to take over the country. The defeat weakened the Soviet’s economy and morale.
1980 President Jimmy Carter blocked various exports to USSR = sanctions…included much needed grain deliveries Called for USA’s non-ratificaiton of SALT II & called for boycott of 1980 summer Olympics in Moscow The Carter Doctrine – proclaimed the Persian Gulf to be a vital strategic area for US interests US agreed to supply China with military equipment
Ronald Reagan was elected president in Nov The New Right (a coalition of Rep. and Conservative Democrats) claimed US was now militarily superior to the SU) New Right dominated Congress and was allied with Pentagon and arms manufactures As a result military spending once again increases Reagan administration begins talks of ‘surgical’ nuclear strikes
Polish government imposed martial law in an attempt to stop the growth of the independent Solidarity Trade Union Movement – Led by Lech Walsea was the first non-communist party controlled trade union in the Warsaw Pact Party constituted nearly 1/3 of working population US provided nearly $50 million to the Solidarity party
Direct Soviet military intervention in Poland was ruled out Moscow put pressure on Polish leadership for a tough response Moscow feared if Poland was able to develop more democratic system, other Eastern European states would follow Rigid Soviet stance stemmed from view of Poland as important part of Warsaw Pact & Soviet defense in Europe US responded to SU attitude toward Poland by imposing economic and trade sanctions on both countries
Years of 1982 – 1985 the SU was going through a tense political transition Yuri AndroPov had succeeded Brezhnev in Nov but that would not last as Yuri would die in Feb. 1984…Nikolai Cherenko took over but would die a year later These rapid leadership changes and trying to keep up with US military spending was derailing the SU economy By late 1980s SU economy was more like a developing economy Technological gap between US and SU widened
Would take over in March and would turn out to be the beginning of the end of the Cold War His thinking included removing ‘Marxist- Leninist’ ideology Gorbachev’s main concern was to end the stagnation of the Soviet economy Realized the burden of maintaining the military power of the SU was too great, and that its effect on the SU economy and on the living standards of consumers would ultimately undermine Soviet security
What was the purpose of SALT I, SALT II, and Treaty of Non-Proliferation? Why did the Soviet Union invade Afghanistan? What was the outcome? Describe the conflict in Poland and outcome.