Low Cost Commit Protocols for Mobile Computing Environments Marc Perron & Baochun Bai
Introduction Introduction to Mobile Database Environment Commit Protocols Classical Two-Phase Commit Mobile Two-Phase Commit Optimistic Concurrency Control with Update Time Stamp Conclusion : Which is better
Mobile database environment ! Mobile networks are composed of cells. ! Similar to C/S environment. ! Base station (Mobile Support Station) ! Mobile unit ! Low bandwidth ! High error rate
Mobile database environment ! Asymmetry in communication B Downstream (server-to-client) bandwidth is high. Using broadcast disk method to deliver data to client. B Upstream (client-to-server) bandwidth is low. ! High disconnection rate ! Power limitation
Commit Protocols ! 2-Phase Commit (2PC) = Two phases: Prepare Phase and Commit Phase = Logs are maintained on the base stations ! Presumed Commit (PC) = Optimized 2PC = Reduces the number of exchanged messages and the number of log
Commit Protocols (Cont.) ! Early Prepare (EP) = Eliminates a round messages by putting a transaction into ready state as soon as it finishes processing the work part of the transaction. ! WoundCertifier = Certification report with ReadSet and WriteSet of active transactions is broadcasting by server.
Commit Protocols (Cont.) ! Batched Transaction = Executes the entire transaction on the mobile unit using cached copies of data. ! Optimistic Concurrency Control with Update Time Stamp (OCC-UTS) = Each data item has a timestamp. = Invalidation report broadcast by server. = Two versions (with or without local cache).
Commit Protocols Focus on two commit protocols: Classical 2-Phase Commit Presumed Commit Presumed Abort Optimistic Concurrency Control with Update Time Stamp
Classical 2PC In Mobile Environment, behaves essentially the same as in non-mobile distributed environments A few differences arrise due to mobile nature: Mobile Client logs maintained on fixed network Behaviour slightly modified to reduce messages sent over wireless link
Classical 2PC Phase 1: Co-ordinator sends 'prepare' message to all participants to prepare them to commit the transaction Phase 2: If all participants respond successfully to the prepare message, the co-ordinator globaly commits the transaction
Classical 2PC Non-Mobile Database Environment Co-ordinator: The process at the site where the transaction originated. The execution controlled by this process Participant: Processes at other sites participating in executing the transaction
Classical 2PC In Mobile Computing Environment Mobile unit always co-ordinator Large number of messages over wireless link Not all participants directly accessable from mobile units
M-2PC (Mobile-2PC) Modifications to 2PC for mobile environment Base station replaces mobile unit as transaction co-ordinator Control of transaction handed off with state information
M-2PC Participant State Diagram (MU)
M-2PC State Diagram for co-ordinator/participant (FN)
Optimistic Concurrency Control with Update Time Stamp On transaction commit, server verifies that execution is serializable. Two forms of validation: Backward: Check if commiting transaction invalidated by commit of another. Forward: Check if commiting transaction conflicts with any other active transaction.
OCC-UTS Data has time stamp associated with it Time stamps used to determine if transaction attempting commit is serializable Mobile client checks transactional cache consistency using invalidation reports from server
OCC-UTS Upon receiving commit operation: Mobile client sends RequestToCommit message Mobile client listens to CommitList and AbortList to determine outcome of transaction
OCC-UTS Server's algorithm Server keeps list of updated data items for transactions committed between t si - L and t si. : number of invalidation broadcast windows L: Length of broadcast window t si : most recent time stamp on a data item
OCC-UTS Server receives RequestToCommit message adds message to outsanding RequestToCommit queue Takes a message m from queue If at least one data item in m has timestamp older than most recent, transaction is aborted Otherwise transaction commited
Conclusion OCC-UTS takes advantage of broadcast disks Requires fewer upstream messages on a wireless link Less complex than M-2PC, transactions performed on local cached data We conclude that OCC-UTS better than M- 2PC for mobile computing environment
Summary Low Cost Commit Protocols for Mobile Computing Environments Introduction Commit Protocols Two Phase Commit Mobile-Two Phase Commit Optimistic Concurrency Control with Update Timestamp Conclusion