Project report – all three years UKIERI
INDEX Introduction Projects 1 st year project – About Myself 2 nd year project –Lakes of BANGALORE 3 rd year project- Climatic Changes Acknowledgement
INTRODUCTION The UKIERI project has implied a very understanding interaction between Indian and UK students. Through this projects, we have been able to understand the other country, and have learnt the importance of our own city’s development.
PROJECTS Our school has taken up the UKIERI project for the past three years. Each year we have had different topics, which are as follows: About Myself Lakes in Bangalore Climatic changes
1 ST YEAR PROJECT Our 1 st year project was regarding “my self”. This project was to help students to be aware of not only their own individual uniqueness, but the true personalities of their fellow classmates as well.
2 nd year project Our 2 nd year project was about the lakes in Bangalore & how they were maintained & cleaned. We found out that while some lakes are cared for the purpose of tourism, the rest are ignored in spite of complaints. We visited nearly all lakes in around Bangalore and interacted with the people who worked there. We attended a work shop on the developmental changes in Bangalore with regard to lakes.
3 rd year project Our 3 rd year project was about climatic changes, an increasingly alarming issue in the modern world. We refreshed our facts about Global warming & learnt new things also. We are a part of various activities like CMCA, CMC,HSBC Train Green Program.
Acknowledgement We thank our teachers Ms Anupama and Ms Malathi for guiding us through the program. We also thank the computer teachers who have helped us to do the projects. Most importantly we thank our principal for taking up this program.