Do Now Define the following in your own words 1. Premise 2. Conclusion
Debatable Topics 8 th Grade Language Arts
Debatable Claims CONTROVERSIAL: Are CONTROVERSIAL: Meaning: two logical people might disagree based on evidence and reasoning used to support the claim. Example: Using a cell phone while driving puts you and other drivers in danger
Non-Debatable Claims FACTS Are FACTS cannot Meaning: they cannot be argued Example: Cell phones are a popular form of modern communication.
When choosing a topic, make sure the topic… 1) Is INTERESTING to you
When choosing a topic, make sure the topic… CONFLICTING 2) Involves CONFLICTING viewpoints
When choosing a topic, make sure the topic… CURRENT RELEVANT 3) Is CURRENT and RELEVANT
When choosing a topic, make sure the topic… IMPACTS 4) IMPACTS other people besides yourself
When choosing a topic, make sure the topic… DIFFERENT 5) Can be considered from DIFFERENT angles
When choosing a topic, make sure the topic… CLICHÉ 6) Is NOT CLICHÉ or too common Abortion Death Penalty Euthanasia Global Warming Recycling
Thumbs Up or Down? Are the Following: Debatable: Thumbs Up Or Non-Debatable: Thumbs Down
Thumbs Up or Down? Public school students should be required to wear school uniforms.
Thumbs Up or Down? Pollution is bad for the environment.
Thumbs Up or Down? The United States should not get involved in foreign conflicts.
Thumbs Up or Down? I should be able to spend a hundred dollars a month on new clothes.
Thumbs Up or Down? A president should be able to run for more than two terms.
Together … Let’s think of some possible topics for an argumentative essay…
On Your Own Complete the questions on page 141 of SpringBoard by writing debatable and non-debatable claim.