Master Gardener Training - Weed Identification and Management Jeffrey Derr Professor of Weed Science Virginia Tech
Additional information - Weed identification Books Weeds of the Northeast – Cornell Press Weeds of Southern Turfgrass, Georgia Cooperative Extension Service Weeds of the South - University of Georgia Press Color Atlas of Turfgrass Weeds – John Wiley & Sons
Additional Information – Weed ID Websites Virginia Tech Weed ID websites
Additional information Pest Management Guides Home Grounds and Animals html Herbicide labels
Weed life cycle Annuals Summer - grass, broadleaf, sedge, other monocots Winter – grass, broadleaf Biennials – broadleaf Perennials – grass, sedge, other monocots, broadleaves
Summer annual grasses Large crabgrass Giant foxtail Fall panicum
Microstegium (Japanese stiltgrass)
Winter annual grasses Italian (Annual) ryegrassAnnual bluegrass
Annual broadleaves Summer common lambsquarters, smooth pigweed, common ragweed, iyleaf morningglory Winter vetch, horseweed, fleabane, common chickweed, henbit
Summer annual broadleaves Common ragweed tall morningglory Common lambsquarters Smooth pigweed
Winter annual broadleaves Vetch Common chickweedHorseweed Henbit
Biennials Musk thistle Wild carrot
Perennial Monocots Perennial grasses clump - tall fescue, orchardgrass creeping - quackgrass, bermudagrass, johnsongrass Perennial sedges – yellow nutsedge Other perennial monocots – wild garlic
Bermudagrass Perennial grasses Quackgrass Johnsongrass
Yellow and Purple Nutsedge Perennial sedges (rhizomes, tubers)
False Green Kyllinga – perennial sedge
Other monocots Wild garlic (perennial)
Perennial broadleaves Simple – dandelion, buckhorn plantain Creeping - bindweed, brambles, poison ivy, horsenettle, hemp dogbane
Dandelion Buckhorn plantain Simple perennial broadleaves
Creeping perennial broadleaves Poison ivy Horsenettle Hedge bindweed
Perennial broadleaf weeds Hemp dogbane Black locust
Turf Weed Control Biological – none available Cultural Chemical
Integrated Pest Management Determine management level – high, medium, low Scouting – identify weed problems late spring for winter annuals late summer for summer annuals, perennials Determine weed infestation level/need for renovation Evaluate control options – nonchemical vs chemical Chemical treatments – broadcast, spot-treatment
Cultural Control of Weeds in Turf Use the best adapted turf species for the site Proper mowing heights : 3-4 inches for tall fescue Maintain appropriate pH, nutrient levels, irrigation Correct compaction, shade, and drainage problems Control insects and diseases Reduce stress – drought, excess salts, etc.
Biorational Products for Turf Corn gluten By-product of corn milling 60% protein Preemergence herbicide Annual weed control, esp crabgrass No postemergence effects ~ 10% nitrogen Herbicidal components Various products Safe Lawn, WOW!, A-Maize-N, Organic Weed and Feed, etc
Chemical Control in Turf Preemergence herbicides – primarily for annual weeds Postemergence herbicides – primarily used for perennial weeds
Crabgrass control in turf Preemergence Pre + Pre Postemergence Pre + Post
Preemergence Crabgrass Herbicides – at seeding or newly-seeded cool-season turf Tupersan (siduron) Drive (quinclorac) – certified commercial applicators only
Preemergence Crabgrass Herbicides – established cool-season turf Barricade (prodiamine) Ronstar (oxadiazon) - commercial applicators only, not home lawns Dimension (dithiopyr) pendimethalin (Halts, Pre-M, Pendulum, etc.) bensulide (Bensumec, etc.) Team (trifluralin + benefin) Dacthal (DCPA) Balan (benefin) Tupersan (siduron)
Preemergence Crabgrass Herbicides – established warm-season turf Barricade (prodiamine) Ronstar (oxadiazon) – commercial applicators only, not home lawns Dimension (dithiopyr) pendimethalin (Halts, Pre-M, Pendulum, etc.) bensulide (Bensumec, etc.) Team (trifluralin + benefin) Dacthal (DCPA) Balan (benefin)
Postemergence crabgrass herbicides – cool season turf Dimension (pre-tillering of crabgrass) MSMA, DSMA – uses being phased out Drive/products containing quinclorac Acclaim Extra (fenoxaprop)
Annual Bluegrass control Preemergence crabgrass herbicide in late August (may not be able to overseed) Prograss (professional applicators only) - postemergence in cool-season turf, dormant bermudagrass No control in spring for cool-season turf
Preemergence Control of Annual Broadleaf Weeds Depends upon the herbicide Preemergence control possible for: Spotted (Prostrate) spurge Common chickweed Henbit Others
Preemergence broadleaf control Gallery, Green Light Portrait (isoxaben) Preemergence crabgrass herbicides
Bermudagrass Suppression in Tall fescue No effective, selective control Suppression with Acclaim Extra + Turflon, Tupersan, some other chemicals Or 2-3 applications of Roundup and reseed Proper mowing height Overseeding
Yellow nutsedge control in Cool-season turf Postemergence control - SedgeHammer - Dismiss - Basagran - MSMA (being phased out) -Also used for kyllinga control
Wild Onion, Wild Garlic Control 2,4-D ester
Broadleaf Control Chemicals 2,4-D, 2,4-DP, MCPP, MCPA, dicamba, triclopyr, clopyralid, fluroxypyr Usually use combinations such as 2,4-D + MCPP 2,4-D + MCPP + dicamba Leaf, root absorbed Sprays and granular forms
Spray versus Granular application Spray generally provides better control since these chemicals are absorbed by leaves as well as roots Granular formulations – reduce potential for leaf uptake, apply when dew is present Granules – no spray drift, still can injure ornamentals through root uptake
Dandelion Buckhorn plantain
Oxalis (woodsorrel)
Ground ivy Triclopyr or a dicamba based product
Wild Violet Control in Turf Postemergence control - triclopyr based product
Lespedeza - Use a triclopyr based product
Virginia buttonweed Repeat applications of a turf combination broadleaf herbicide - (Trimec, etc.)
Ornamental Bed Weed control Cultural Control Chemical control
Cultural Control in beds Hand-weeding, tilling, hoeing Mulches –Organic : pine bark, pine straw, hardwood bark, etc –Inorganic – rocks –Black plastic –Landscape fabrics
Mulches 2 to 4 depth Avoid mulch with a sulfur or ammonia odor (sour mulch) Free of weed seed Control annual weeds Rock mulches better than bark mulches for weed control Bark mulches can support weed growth
Black plastic Controls annuals and suppresses perennial weeds (inhbits water movement, gas exchange) Lacks porosity Best fit is annuals, vegetable gardens Consider fabrics for long-term use
Black plastic Improves weed control over mulch alone Lacks porosity (water, gases cannot readily move through) Encourages surface rooting Does not hold mulch well
Landscape fabrics Allow for water, gas exchange Sacrifice on weed control compared to solid black plastic Shoot penetrate upward through fabric Root penetration downward through fabric Keep totally covered with 1 inch mulch Rock mulches better for weed control
Chemical Weed Control in Ornamentals Preemergence herbicides Postemergence herbicides
Annual Flower beds Site prep – control perennial weeds prior to planting Rototill Transplant Irrigate Apply granular trifluralin (Preen Garden Weed Preventer, Treflan, etc) Irrigate Mulch
Woody ornamental beds Wider choice of preemergence herbicides than in annual beds (ie Snapshot) Apply prior to mulching
Postemergence Herbicides - Ornamentals A) Selective herbicides grasses - Vantage, Fusilade/Ornamec (Grass-B-Gon), Envoy, Acclaim yellow nutsedge – Basagran, SedgeHammer woody orn directed spray broadleaves - none
Postemergence Herbicides - Ornamentals B) Nonselective herbicides Contact – Reward – Scythe, vinegar based products (biorationals) Contact/systemic- Finale Systemic – glyphosate (Roundup, etc)
glyphosate (Roundup, others) Off patent, many producers nonselective systemic leaf, bark absorbed inactivated upon contact with soil use under good soil moisture wiper or shielded spray applications
Yellow nutsedge perennial sedge cultural control - landscape fabrics chemical control preemergence – Pennant Magnum, Tower postemergence – SedgeHammer, Basagran, Roundup, Finale, Reward
Bermudagrass control Postemergence control in broadleaf ornamentals and nongrass monocots like liriope Fusilade/Ornamec/Grass-B-Gon Segment Envoy
Poison ivy perennial broadleaf postemergence control - nonselective glyphosate, Finale Triclopyr (Brush-B-Gon)
Weed Control in Vegetable Gardens Cultural Hand-weeding, hoeing, cultivation Mulches – grass clippings (do not use from a lawn recently treated with a post broadleaf herbicide Newspaper + grass clippings Black plastic
Weed Control in Vegetable Gardens Rototill in spring to control chickweed and other winter annuals
Weed Control in Vegetable Gardens Chemical Control Trifluralin (Preen Garden Weed Preventer, others) See PMG and label for which species can be treated at seeding, which at transplanting Glyphosate for site prep or after final harvest