3.9 Derivatives of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Slide 3- 2 Quick Review
Slide 3- 3 Quick Review
Slide 3- 4 Quick Review Solutions
Slide 3- 5 Quick Review Solutions
Slide 3- 6 What you’ll learn about Derivative of e x Derivative of a x Derivative of ln x Derivative of log a x Power Rule for Arbitrary Real Powers … and why The relationship between exponential and logarithmic functions provides a powerful differentiation tool called logarithmic differentiation.
Slide 3- 7 Derivative of e x
Slide 3- 8 Example Derivative of e x
Slide 3- 9 Derivative of a x
Slide Derivative of ln x
Slide Example Derivative of ln x
Slide Derivative of log a x
Slide Rule 10 Power Rule For Arbitrary Real Powers
Slide Example Power Rule For Arbitrary Real Powers
Slide Logarithmic Differentiation Sometimes the properties of logarithms can be used to simplify the differentiation process, even if logarithms themselves must be introduced as a step in the process. The process of introducing logarithms before differentiating is called logarithmic differentiation.
Slide Example Logarithmic Differentiation