OUTDOOR’S KOMPAS Group3 fujiwara ryo tama
Introducing the store 1 Foundation Capital -6million yen Number of employees -a store 4people -a market 3people
Introducing the store 2 Store capital -main store only Product and services -outdoor goods, mail ‐ order business EC category -B2B and B2C(5:95) Language in use? -Japanese
Introducing the store 3 Yearly sales -H17 183million yen -H18 237million yen -H19 263million yen -H20 292million yen(expectation)
Introducing the store 4 Technologies in use - ,HP(Internet) Business model -no business model Shipping of products or services? -sagawa and yamato
Current performance of EC Amount of EC sales -about 100million yen Rate of EC in total sales -about 30%
EC Current objectives of EC? -Increasing sales -Marketing channels Future objectives of EC? -Expansion of net market
SWOT Strengths -only one shop form in ehime -rate of EC is high Weaknesses -Customer's information is not acquired easily Opportunities - There are 45 company supplier Threats -There is a major rival in the big city
Subject Stock management -POS system → not 100% It is necessary to improve it.
Representative’s word The starting point - 「 Important 」 ↓ a relation ship of mutual trust with customers