Chap 28 UML Activity Diagrams and Modeling
Activity Diagram 1 Once an action is finished, there is an automatic outgoing transition The diagram can show both control flow and data flow a sequence of activities, including parallel activities. for visualizing business workflows and processes, and use cases. Business Process Modeling The partitions are useful to see the multiple parties and parallel actions involved in the business process Data Flow Modeling the UML data store node is applicable
Activity Diagram 2 Receive Video Order Fill Order Send Invoice Deliver Receive Payment Close Order Fulfillment Customer Service Finance Invoice start Action . It does something There is an automatic transition on its completion A transition supports modeling of control flow Fork One incoming , and multiple outgoing parallel transitions and / or object flows Partitions Show different parties involved in the process Join Multiple incoming transitions and or object flows ; one outgoing transition The outgoing continuation does not happen until all the inputs arrive from flows Object Node An object produced or used by actions This allows us to model data end of activity
Activity Diagram 3 Student Registration System Application Complete Check Course Availability «datastore» Courses Applications Check Applicant Qualification Students Accept / Deny Reply
Expanded activity to Another Diagram
Model Events as Action
Guidelines This technique proves most valuable for very complex processes, usually involving many parties. If modeling a business process, take advantage of the "rake" notation and sub-activity diagrams. "level 0" diagram keep all the actions at a very high level of abstraction. Expand the details in sub-diagrams at the level 1, and perhaps even more at the level 2. to make the level of abstraction of action nodes roughly equal within a diagram. bad example: suppose in a "level 0" diagram there is an action node labeled "Deliver Order." And, a second action node "Calculate Tax." Those are very different levels of abstraction.
NextGen POS Activity Diagram [ cash payment ] Enter Cart Items Calculate Taxes and Discounts Customer Cashier NextGen POS Receipt Shop and Fill Cart Submit Authorization Request else Create Receipt Hand Over Items Service Authorize Payment
Activity Diagrams in the UP UP disciplines - Business Modeling its purpose is to understand and communicate the structure and the dynamics of the organization in which a system is to be deployed. A key artifact of the Business Modeling discipline is the Business Object Model (a superset of the UP Domain Model), which essentially visualizes how a business works, using UML class, sequence, and activity diagrams.