1-212 th Aviation Regiment The purpose of this Handbook is to provide a basic guideline for the performance of Combat Maneuvers and Power Management to support successful high energy employment. Introduction
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Basic Maneuvering Flight Aerodynamics Just as rotor performance is affected by the aircraft being in or out of ground effect, there are several characteristics that aviators must be aware of to successfully perform combat maneuvers. - Transient Torque - Mushing - Conservation of Angular Momentum - High Bank Angel Turns
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Transient Torque This is seen in the cockpit as a momentary increase in torque when the cyclic is displaced left of center. Conversely, as right cyclic is applied, a reduction in pitch on the advancing blade results in a reduction in induced drag that tends to increase Nr and a corresponding transient torque decrease.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Mushing Mushing results during High G maneuvers when at high forward airspeeds aft cyclic is abruptly applied. This results in a change in the airflow pattern on the rotor, exacerbated by total lift area reduction as a result of rotor disc coning.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Conservation of Angular Momentum A rotating body will rotate at the same velocity until some external force is applied to change the speed of rotation.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment High Bank Angle Turns If adequate excess engine power is available, increasing collective pitch will enable continued flight while maintaining airspeed and altitude.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment UH60 Performance Characteristics TRANSIENT ROTOR DROOP - To minimize transient rotor droop, avoid situations which result in rapid rotor loading from low Ng SPEED and % TRQ conditions. Initiate maneuvers with collective inputs leading or simultaneous to cyclic inputs. During approach and landing, maintain at least 15% - 20% TRQ and transient droop will be minimal as hover power is applied.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment High, Heavy, Hot When high gross weights are added to the equation, crews must be extremely thorough in mission/performance planning and cover contingencies during crew briefs. Less power margin that results from heavy aircraft and high DAs give crews considerably less flexibility in handling contingencies.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Retreating Blade Stall During missions with a heavy aircraft in a high, hot environment the onset of retreating blade stall occurs sooner (a good hint is when you notice a reduced VNE during PPC computation). High gross weight High temperature High DA Low Rotor RPM High G Maneuver High speed flight
1-212 th Aviation Regiment REVIEW / DISCUSS - Combat Maneuver Rules of Thumb - High, Heavy, Hot Rules of Thumb
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Combat Maneuver Do’s and Don’ts - Every aviator that employs these techniques at the wrong place and time endangers our ability to continue this critical training. - Only train maneuvers that have a combat application. - Taking unnecessary risks when carrying a load of combat equipped infantry soldiers can be equated to a Commercial Airline pilot showing off when carrying athletes to the Olympics. - There is no excuse. Do what the mission requires.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment 3000 Series Tasks for Maneuvering Flight 3005 Demonstrate / Perform Flight Characteristics at Vh-IAS 3006 Perform Maximum Bank Angle 3007 Perform Maximum Pitch Angle 3008 Perform Decelerating Turn
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Perform Flight Characteristics at Vh – IAS 1. Maintain dual engine maximum torque +0%, -5% torque. 2. Establish Vh airspeed + 5 KIAS.
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Demonstrate/ Perform Maximum Bank Angle 60deg Left 60deg Right App 100kts 1000MSL Note Tq Tq Direction of Flight Demo Phase Maintain Altitude
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Demonstrate/ Perform Maximum Bank Angle 60deg Left App 100kts 1000MSL Note: Nose goes left Tq Direction of Flight 270° Turn
1-212 th Aviation Regiment Demonstrate/ Perform Maximum Bank Angle 60deg Right App 100kts 1000MSL Tq Direction of Flight 270° Turn
1-212 th Aviation Regiment App 400 AGL – 100Kts App 70Kts Maximum Pitch Up Angle 30deg +0/-5
1-212 th Aviation Regiment App 2000 MSL – 100Kts App 130Kts Maximum Pitch Down Angle 30deg +0/-5 Start to level before 1000 MSL Level Powered Flt No lower than 400 AGL