Mr. Fluharty Madrid 2012
Put this list in relative order: My mother's birth My grandmother meets my grandfather My father meets my mother I graduate from high school My maternal grandmother's birth Using numerical time to put in order: My maternal grandmother's birth - June 20, 1918 My grandmother meets my grandfather - Sept, 1936 My mother's birth - May 30, 1944 My father meets my mother - October, 1964 My birth - May 6, 1970 I graduate from high school - June, 1988 Relative vs. Numerical Age
one piece of bread was there for me to spread the PB (or J) on (principle of superposition); the bread had to be (relatively) flat for me to spread the peanut butter on it (principle of original horizontality); the peanut butter probably covered the entire piece of bread (principle of original continuity); if I slice the sandwich, all those layers (PB, J and bread) had to be there for me to cut through them (principle of cross cutting relationships; if there is jelly in my peanut butter, I put the jelly on first - and vice versa (principle of inclusions).
A is younger than C (superposition) C is younger than I (inclusions) I is younger than D, E and B (cross-cutting) D is younger than E and B (cross-cutting), H, F, K and J have been tilted or folded (original horizontality) G is younger than B, H, F, K and J (baked contacts) In order from youngest to oldest, the sequence is as follows: A, C, I, D, E, G, B, tilting, H, F, K. J.
Special fossils (called index fossils) that only occur in rocks from specific times throughout the world. The fact that fossils occur in a very specific succession allowed geologists to correlate rock units across vast distances. This allowed geologists to construct a global relative geologic column. Fish fossil, penny for scale. Trilobite fossil.
Radioactive decay occurs when an unstable element transmutes into a different element or isotope of the same element. This transmutation process occurs in a constant, predictable for each unstable element. With the discovery of radioactive decay, geologists could determine the numerical age of solidification (crystallization). Many began work to put numbers on the geologic time scale.
Observations of erosion and depositional rates are slow—it took vast amounts of time to deposit and erode, say, the sedimentary rocks of the Grand Canyon in Arizona. There is no evidence that these processes were acting at significantly faster or slower rates in the past. We can conclude that the Earth must have been around for a significant amount of time.
The oldest rocks that have been dated on Earth are merely 4.03 billion years old (gneisses in Canada). How, then, do we know that the Earth is 4.6 billion years old? Moon rocks are 4.6 billion years old Meteorites are 4.6 million years old and have the same composition as Earth Because moon rocks and meteorites have the same age, and are similar in composition to Earth, it is likely they formed during the formation of the solar system. Thus, the ages of these things suggest that the Earth formed approximately 4,600,000,000 years ago. Until we find evidence to suggest otherwise, this is the accepted age of the Earth.
Concepts of deep time challenge the belief that the Earth was created in 7 days by a Higher Being. Increasingly, the idea that vast amounts of time are needed for geologic processes are challenged by creationists.
Which of the following best represents the fraction of Earth history that is represented by the presence of modern humans (about 10,000 years)? 1.two-thirds (0.667) of Earth history 2.two-hundredths (0.02) of Earth history 3.two-thousandths (0.002) of Earth history 4.two millionths ( ) of Earth history