What is it? ISL gives undergraduate students the opportunity to do first hand clinical work, while experiencing the beautiful and exciting scenery of another country. This is not just a “shadowing” experience, students will be learning and serving in real life medical settings
What will I be doing? Each day, teams of students are accompanied by professional medical staff in addition to resident medical staff at each clinic location Each program begins with two days of fast- moving seminars : Tropical Medicine Medical Spanish Basic Triage Trips last between 9 days and 2 weeks The rest of your time on the trip will be spent traveling, working clinics, and having the time of your life
Where can I go? Nicaragua/Costa Rica Belize North Mexico Panama/Costa Rica Tanzania Trinidad/Tobago
Trip Availability Winter Break Spring break All summer long
How much? Trips cost anywhere from $ $2000. BUT!... You can apply for Sponsorship Program on the last page of your application to receive donations.
How do I get Started? International Service Learning Contact Julie Kelkar: Phone: (918)