Quality Education through Partnership Opportunities Sergio Ramírez Mena Washington D.C. 2011 June 9 th, 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Quality Education through Partnership Opportunities Sergio Ramírez Mena Washington D.C June 9 th, 2011

FACES OF QUALITY EDUCATION: From education to learning Presentation Title Goes Here LEARNING FOR ALL

PARTNERSHIPS BUILD BRIDGES AMONG EDUCATION STAKEHOLDERS National, local governments Communities, schools Domestic and International Cooperation Domestic and International Cooperation Partnerships In Education NGOs, Private Sector, Volunteer Org Partnerships In Education NGOs, Private Sector, Volunteer Org

Partnerships are evolving What do we know Growing: evidence/awareness involvement Maturing: Limited scope to systemic reform However, challenges remain Education lags behind health relief Short term benefits versus long term needs Educational interventions vary by school, district and country

Disparity in Private Sector support Center for Global Prosperity 2010

Successful partnerships catalyst fragile to sustainable change FragilityStability Sustainable change Case studies Colombia - “Escuela y Café” Equatorial Guinea – “Program for Education” Nicaragua – “Global Development Alliances”

Case of Colombia: Escuela y Café Started in 1996, fragile post-conflict economy Led by Asociación de Cafeteros de Caldas, Colombia Linked to the Department of Education of Caldas and local municipal governments Based on successful model for rural multi- grade education: Escuela Nueva Expanded to lower secondary, technology centers, recognized as leading model in LAC

Case of Equatorial Guinea: Program for Educational Development Started in 2005 with initial assessment focused on quality education Equatorial Guinea emerged from agricultural state to booming oil producing nation Initiated by Hess Corporation and the National Government, collaboration of national university Structured to support active learning in primary schools, improved teacher competencies and promote information data for education policy dialogue Improved tracking and monitoring of education needs leading to policy changes

Case of Nicaragua: Global Development Alliances for Education Design to promote innovation and participation Co-financed with USAID GDA funding and support of chamber of commerce Focused support to primary schools through “apadrinamiento” (sponsorship) Focused on quality of teacher training, and student learning, more than bricks Parents and local authorities provide support in school committes

Conclusions on Successful Partnerships Successful partnerships build bridges and maximize the effectiveness of multiple donors/players Partnerships focus on lasting change from the start: disaster response in line to longer term solutions Partnerships can be natural “networks” for aid in education at the local level Metrics are important, measuring impact is key to future support Partnerships become another channel for advocacy in national policy dialogue

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