CAMBRIAN SCHOOL DISTRICT Budget Update February 23, 2010
Home to School Transportation (Estimated Savings - $100,000) Total Ridership – 187 Students Paid: 95 Students Free: 72 Students Reduced: 20 Students Students outside 1 mile radius of home school: 57 Students outside 1.5 mile radius of home school: 16 Students currently riding included in IEP: 9
Summer School Total Savings $40,000 Could not find any data indicating increased student performance due to Summer School These are difficult data to collect For strong results, Summer School needs to be very targeted to each individual student’s needs Changes would need to be made to our program which would incur additional costs, not decrease costs
Increase Sports Participation Fees Current Donation - $40 per participant est. (368 ) Pays for ½ the cost of coaches Proposed Increase - $85 per participant Would fully fund coaches Other Items not funded Athletic Director (district funds) Site Funded ($5,000 per year) Referees League fees Uniforms/Equipment ( varies year to year)
Increase Sports Participation Fees Sports Offered through Program Boys and Girls Volleyball Boys and Girls Soccer Boys and Girls Basketball Cross County Track
Music Program Percussion Ensemble -16 ( extra curricular, after school and weekends) $150 donation – ongoing fundraising Band (during the instructional day) Donations accepted to cover bus/travel – ongoing fund raising Other Items Music teacher’s Stipend Parcel Tax/Ongoing Arts Grants
Site Discretionary Funds Bagby $54,370 $92.94 $51,840 $80.00 Fammatre $43,492 $92.94 $38,800 $80.00 Farnham $44,514 $92.94 $39,760 $80.00 Sartorette $44,514 $ ,760 $80.00 Price $125,866 $ $110,000 $110.00
Major Expenditures from Funds Instructional Supplies Copier Equipment Staff Development Office Supplies Custodial Supplies SysOps