Chickens By: Mr. Ramon Gutierrez
Main Facts About Chickens A mature male chicken is called a cock or roo They are very unique creatures that will do crazy things to get a hot chick A chicken is a bird. There are over 150 varieties of domestic chickens. They were domesticated about 8,000 years ago.
Chicken colors and pattern Chickens have infinite variety of colors and patterns ◦Rose ◦Single ◦Strawberry ◦Cushion ◦Buttercup ◦Pea ◦V-shaped.
Top 5 facts about chickens Chickens tend to have really terrible eyesight You can hypnotize a chicken by holding it and drawing a line on dirt over and over. The chicken will stay right there as long as you do this Some breeds of chickens can lay colored eggs. The average hen lays 265 table eggs each year. A rooster will usually perform a special waltz or dance in an attempt to attract a mate
Chickens Peeps Today Chickens peeps are very delicious marmallow candy shaped like chickens They come in all colors and shapes Chicken peeps are mostly used for Easter or some people are just in love with them so they just eat them a lot
Ramon Gutierrez CHICKENS!