1. Note 3 ways war affected the land & people of Europe Destroyed cities, factories & utilities Poor economy, High unemployment Famine & disease
2. Note 3 political problems postwar gov’ts faced. Displaced persons (refugees) Discredited Gov’t Lack of political leadership Threat of Communist takeovers
3. Note one way the Allies dealt with the Holocaust. Nuremburg Trials Nazis tried for “Crimes against Humanity”
4. Note 2 affects of Allied bombing raids on Japan Destroyed cities Shattered the economy 2 million dead
5. Note 3 ways U.S. occupation changes Japan Gov’t democratized Army disbanded Land ownership expanded Labor unions formed
6. Note 3 provisions in Japan’s new constitution. 2 house parliament (Diet) formed Prime Minister chosen by majority of Diet as Gov’t head. Vote for all citizens over 20 yrs of age.