Consequence s of WW II
Stats Costs US – $288 billion Great Britain - $117 billion France – $111.3 billion USSR - $93 billion Germany - $212.3 billion Japan - $41.3 billion
Stats cont. Lives (military) US – 407,318 Great Britain – 272,311 France – 205,707 USSR – 13,600,000 Germany – 3,300,000 Japan – 1,140,429
Stats cont. Lives (civilian) USA – 0 Great Britain – 60,595 France – 173,260 USSR – 7,720,000 Germany – 2,893,000 Japan – 953,000 Jews – 6,000,000
Devastation in Europe Few cities remained undamaged London, Warsaw, Berlin nearly completely destroyed Agriculture completely destroyed Transportation systems destroyed
Governments / Politics Following defeat of Germany Several governments returned Belgium, Holland, Norway Other countries blamed former gov’t Ger, Italy, France
Governments / Politics Communist party promised change Membership skyrocketed Anxious to speed up Violent strikes to take over Membership declined
Nuremberg Trials International Military Tribunal Many Germany leaders committed suicide Others faced charges of committing “crimes against humanity” All found guilty Sentenced to hang (Oct. 16, 1946) Bodies burned at concentration camp of Dachau
Japan Occupation MacArthur Demilitarization War Crimes Trial Democratization New constitution Empire Constitutional Monarchy
Japan cont. New constitution May 3, 1947 Elected two house Parliament (Diet) Prime Minister Bill of Rights Individual freedoms Japan could no longer make war
Japan cont. September 1951 Formal peace treaty signed Six months later occupation ends US military presence remains to protect