The Rise of Industrial Japan PAGES
Today’s Objectives Explain why Japan changes its course Describe the steps its took to transform itself
What is Imperialism? The extension of a nation’s power over other lands by military, political, or economic means The result of Western imperialism? Japan was forced to open up borders
Arrival of the Western Fleet By 1850, there was a lot of pressure on Japan to reopen its borders Westerners were seeking places to sell their new, factory-made goods The United States especially wanted to sail ships to Japan What method did the U.S. use to persuade the Japanese to open its borders? President Millard Fillmore sent Commodore Matthew C. Perry and four warships to make the request
How did the Japanese react to Perry’s request? After a year of waiting, Perry returned with 8 warships to Edo, Japan The Japanese realized they could not match the firepower of these ships They agreed to open two ports for trade and resupply U.S. ships could stop at these ports to pick up supplies as they crossed the Pacific What else happened as a result of Perry’s request? Britain, France, Russia, and Holland also made trade agreements with the Japanese after Perry opened the door to trade with Japan
The Effects of the Agreement The opening of foreign trade shook Japanese society Many leaders thought Japan was giving too much away Some Europeans and Americans living in Japan were killed as a result What Japanese leader made the agreements to open Japan to Western countries? The shogun
The Meiji Restoration The disagreement with the shogun grew into a revolt Control of Japan was taken from the shogun and returned to the emperor of Japan (Meiji) The new government adopted foreign ways of governing: the feudal system was abolished A modern army was created Edo was renamed Tokyo
The Meiji Restoration cont’d What is a bureaucracy? A large organization that runs the daily business of government New central government issued a declaration called the Charter Oath The document declared that all Japanese would be given a say in their government and also stated that old customs would be abandoned and “knowledge shall be sought throughout the new world” A new constitution was created and a parliament called the Diet
Why might you conclude that Japan was on its way to becoming a democratic country? It had a new constitution and a parliament, called the Diet Present day: The Diet
Not the first time Japan looked to the outside for new ideas… Buddhism from China and Korea Confucianism from China What was Japan now learning from the West? Students went to the U.S. and Europe to study shipbuilding, medicine, and other subjects Paid foreigners for expert advice on building railways, running factories, and sailing steamships
How else did contact with other cultures change Japan? Styles of dress – started wearing suits and dresses instead of kimonos Hair styles – hair pulled up on top quickly went out of style Buildings were built in Western styles of architecture People began to eat beef and other Western foods The changes broke down many Japanese feudal customs. The strict separation between social classes became blurred. VS.
Expansion of Japan Quickly became a military and economic power 1912: an increase in Japanese exports more than doubled world trade How did Japan show it knew its own economic power? By demanding and getting fairer trade treaties from other nations
Military Activity Overseas 1894 invaded Korea China demanded that Japan remove its troops; Japan refused Gained control of Taiwan 1904: war with Russia – Japan won The war against Russia caused the rest of the world to notice Japan’s new strength
Summing it Up Why did the U.S. demand that Japan do in 1854? Open itself up to trade How did the Meiji Restoration change Japan’s government in 1864? Transferred power from the shogun to the emperor and created a central government Why did Japan do a great deal of cultural borrowing in the late 1800s? To modernize itself and strengthen itself economically and militarily Where did Japan stand industrially and militarily by the 1890s? It was industrialized and it began expanding through military force