Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount Pipfruit - Outlook season 2012/13 Helwig Schwartau, AMI
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount EU-27: First time, more apples in the East, less in the West 2012 = One of the lowest production of the last years, but… Distribution of regions not comparable with 2007 and 2010 EU-15 with very small production, particular in the South NMS expected 3,87 Mio t, only more ‘08 (4,5 Mio. t) Relaxed autumn, changeing trading flow, less table apples than 2007 and 2010 ( t)
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount EU-27: Apple harvest for freshmarket The lowest volumen for freshmarket of the last years??? More second qualities for storage? Volume with hail damage? Effect of price level for processing A very high price level
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount Sale prices P.O. South Tyrol, Gala table apples, class I 70-75mm
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount Western Europe : Production bicolour apples Braeburn: Relaxed season France/Italy = t (-28%) Gala: -13% than 2011 Hold up market share in North Africa/ Middle East? Jonagold: All countries with lower crop. Concentrated sales in Western Europe, no stress till february Elstar: Netherland -33% than last year. Less exports to Germany.
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount EU apple exports to North Africa and Middle East (Aug. till April) France Italy Spain tons
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount Poland: Apple exports (Aug.- April) In t‘08/09‘09/10‘10/11‘11/12 Total EU-27 Extra EU-27 Intra Russia Ukraine Kazakhstan Belarus Baltic S. East Europ EU UK3524 Scandinavia Germany Good season 2011/12 Strong investment (75% subvention) Bigger apple harvest in the future (above 3 Mio. t ?) Planting trends (20% Idared) targeted to the east markets
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount Russia: apples imports 2011/12 by month (Competition Poland/ GUS/ EU15)
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount Processing apples
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount Germany – consumption apple juice (GfK) Mio. litre
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount EU-27: Apple harvest for processing AJC stocks cleared! Price on a relativ high level In Western Europe less crop the smallest crop of the last years German - outside market production t lower than last year Poland bigger crop, more hail, shap processing increasing 10% than 2011? EUR/100kg ?
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount Europe: Price development for AJC since February
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount Processing apple price development
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount Apples – Global trading
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount Import markets for apples in the world, trading South Hemisphere, till July (1.000 tons) 2012 (red graphic column), 2011 and 2010 Europe Russia Asia North Am. Africa/ Mid.East Lat. America Worldwide
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount EU-27: Imports overseas apples (till July) Chile: Worldwide exports t, t less s than year New Zealand: More exports to Asia (+10%), UK the same, EU Continent decrease (-25%) South Africa: The same volume, but t more to UK, less to continent Argentina: Worldwide the smallest volumes of the last years Brazil: More export than 2011, particular UK Source: AMI t
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount New Zealand: Apple export to Asia increase, till July (1.000 t) t Asia EU cont UK America M. East Total Export by varieties Constant worldwide export volume, but…. Strong focus to Asia EU – only UK stable, but… Middle East more interesting *31 *20 *21 *34 *41 (* Last year)
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount South Africa – Exports per marktet segment (%) 2011 Average price (Rand/ t)
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount Chile: Worldwide apple export (1.000 t) Europe/Russia North A. Asia M. East Latin A. Global export 2012 = t 2011 = t 2010 = t 2009 = t
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount Destination main market Total exports Asia 329 (‘08 = 172) Asia East Taiw. 68/ Hongk. 57 Asia South East Indonesia 60 Asia South India 72 Middle East VAE 28/ Saudi A. 20 South America North./Latin Am Mexico 168 EU Total imports Chile New Zealand USA: apples exports/ imports (1.000 t)
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount High price level for pears
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount EU 27: Pear crop in the last 10 years In tons
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount Market balance for pears in EU t2009/102010/112011/12f2012/13f Market production Import EU 1) Export EU 1) = Consumption 2) Per capita (kg)5,14,54,84,0 Note: 1) ) Without market losses, Source: AMI / EUROSTAT - f = forecast Bad argent. crop with less exports to Europe. Export t more than last year. Increasing Russia, North Africa, Brazil.
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount Pears: Netherlands Veilinge prices für Conference class I, 65-75mm
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount Russia: Import pears (July – May) Only slowly increasing imports, 2011/12 = t 2010/11 = t 2009/10 = t 2008/09 = t More exports from EU-15 at the expense of overseas Argentina -20% pears than last two years (till May) t EU-27 Trend
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount EU pear exports to Asia, North Africa S. America and Middle East (Aug. till April) NL/BEL Spain Italy tons France ‘11/12 total 500 t Brazil Import Aug-Dec Italy t
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount EU-27: Imports overseas pears 2012 = t overseas pears arrived in Europe t (-25%) less than 2011 Chile unchanged South Africa changed to other markets Argentina less to Europe, other marktes unchanged EU imports vs Williams -45%, Packhams -22%, A. Fetel 8%, Forelle +1% t
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount Import markets for pears in the world, trading South Hemisphere, till July (1.000 tons) 2012 (red graphic column), 2011/ 2010/2009 Europe Russia Asia North Am. Africa/Mid.East Lat. America Worldwide
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount South Africa: Pear export till July (in tons) Asia M. East Africa Export Asia/Africa 2012 = t 2011 = t 2010 = t 2009 = t
Kernobsttag Netto-Markendiscount Thanks a lot for your attention. HELWIG SCHWARTAU, AMI, BÜRO HAMBURG +49 (0)