English Colonial Expansion


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Presentation transcript:

English Colonial Expansion Chapter 20 Section 3 English Colonial Expansion

Explorers and Sea Dogs Soon after Christopher Columbus sailed, King Henry VII hired Captain John Cabot to sail across the Atlantic. Cabot’s voyages in 1497-1498 gave England its first claim in North America In the mid 1500’s a group of English sea captains called the Sea Dogs appeared. These traders and pirates included Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raleigh. With the backing of the crown they challenged the Portuguese and Spanish monopolies of sea trade as well as made important voyages of exploration Drake was the first English sea captain to sail around the world Also the sea dogs helped England defeat the Spanish Armada in 1588

Sir Francis Drake Sir Walter Raleigh

The British in India The defeat of the Spanish Armada encouraged the British to establish colonies overseas by granting a charter to the British East India Trading Company The company set up trading posts at Bombay, Calcutta and Madras India. As it grew the company came into increasing contact and conflict with a French trading company The conflict eventually led to an open struggle of which England prevailed and by the 1750’s the British trading company became the dominant European trade interest in India

The British in America Because Spain controlled the South American passage, {England explored America to find the Northwest Passage} to Asia through North America Henry Hudson, who originally sailed for the Dutch, sailed on behalf of the English. Naming the Hudson River and the Hudson Bay for himself During the exploration the British set up colonies such as Jamestown in Virginia, the first permanent English settlement in North America In 1620, settlers founded Plymouth in what is now Massachusetts Founders hoped to make money for themselves and the motherland

Henry Hudson and his voyages to North America.

Continued…. Colonists themselves made the journey to find freedom and better lives for their families Others did not come voluntarily, slaves were brought with the colonists The colonies had a form of representative assembly but ultimately control belonged to England Parliament passed laws that stated the colonies could sell certain products only to Britain. They also were encouraged to buy products only from Britain Colonists resented the British trade regulations and began avoiding taxes and smuggling their goods to sell down the coastline

What is left of Jamestown today

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