ASSESS YOUR EXPORT POTENTIAL Evaluate industry trends. Your firm’s domestic position in the industry. How will exporting impact your present operation? What is the status of resources available to your firm? Anticipated export potential for your product? Bottom line! Do you have a secure base of operation?
GET EXPORT COUNSELING Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture - Market Development Division (405) Center for International Trade Development 201B-CITD Bldg., Oklahoma State University (405) Southern United States Trade Assoc. Int’l Trade Mart, Suite 338, 2 Canal Street, New Orleans, LA (504)
EXPORT COUNSELING (continued) Foreign Agriculture Service, USDA, Room South Building, Washington, DC 20250, (202) Oklahoma Department of Commerce, 900 North Stiles Ave., PO Box 26980, Oklahoma City, OK , (800) ,
Export Counseling (Continued) U.S. Department of Commerce, Export Administration, Exporter Assistance Staff, Room 2705, Washington, DC 20006, (202)
SELECT MARKETS Select one or two “ideal” markets. * Evaluate closely... a) language & cultural differences b) special trade regulations c) local competition d) economic conditions * Test foreign markets - Trade promotion, Trade Shows, Commerce Dept. & FAS.
FORMULATE AN EXPORT STRATEGY Identify the most suitable type of export operation for your firm. 1) Your firm’s export objectives. 2) Specific strategies your firm will use. 3) Scheduling of deadlines, promotional activities, etc. 4) Allocation of resources among activities.
EXPORT STRATEGIES (continued) The marketing plan and schedule of activities you want to address in a two to five year period... 1) Depends on type of product exported. 2) Strength of competitors. 3) Conditions in the target markets.
SELECT A SELLING TECHNIQUE Direct and/or indirect selling. A) The decision of how to market should be based on: 1. Size of firm 2. Nature of the product(s) 3. Previous export experience 4. Business & market conditions
SELLING (continued) Direct selling, the U.S. firm deals directly with foreign importers and is usually responsible for overseas shipment. A) May involve utilizing the services of foreign sales reps/agents. B) Consider the established channels of communication in the targeted country.
SELLING (continued) C) Product marketing practices in the U.S. are a direct clue. 1. Sales reps/agents 2. Distributors 3. Calling on foreign retailers 4. Direct sales to end-users 5. State controlled trading companies
SELLING (continued) Indirect selling may involve... 1) Relying on another firm to act as the sales intermediary. A) They will assume responsibility for shipping and marketing the product.
SELLING (continued) Types of intermediary firms: * Commission agents * Country - controlled buying agents * Export management companies * Export trading companies
Five Steps to Export Success Assess Your Export Potential Get Export Counseling Select Markets Formulate an Export Strategy Select a Marketing Approach