EVENTS John Baguley International Fundraising Consultancy
AGENDA – EVENTS WORKSHOP Introductions Types of event – concerts, receptions, sponsored events, auctions Budgeting & planning Group planning Discussion
THE FUNDRAISING MIX Overseas Income CompaniesIndividuals EventsTradingLegacies FeesTrusts & Foundations Major Donors
NOT PLANNING “The best thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, not preceded by worry and anxiety” John Harvey Jones
A YEAR’S FUNDRAISING SCHEDULE JANFEBMARAPRILMAYJUNE Event 1 Trusts Researc h News- letter Appeal 1 to donor- base Events 2 Major Donor ask Donor recruit- ment drive News- letter Company approach es Event 3 Trusts Appeal 2
EVENT PLANNING JAN / FEB MAR / APR MAY / JUN JUL / AUG SEP / OCT NOV /DEC PlanVolunt- eers Confirm venue AdvertsVolunt- eers etc mtg Contact artists Confirm artists Thank you Visit venue Adverts Book venue Event Oct 15th
SOME BASIC DECISIONS What kind of event? When? Who will come? Why? Venue Income? Expenditure? Who does what when?
CONCERTS Venue = previous sell out size Ticket price = artist’s previous price Break-event point = half-full Advertising cost = 10% max income People come to see the artist Merchandise?
SPONSORED EVENTS Mass participation A to A not A to B Sponsorship form – key document Heavily incentivise sales of sponsorship Insurance
FREE EVENT - RECEPTION Celebrities Venue Programme – talk, music, canapes Selected guests Pitch for funds – pledge ask? Develop big gift donors
AUCTIONS Ask for the best Reach the real buyers Professional auctioneer 40 items – 2 hours max? Drinks? Auction catalogue – colour?