Mid-Year Report Dibble Elementary Jackson Public Schools Pamela Perlos, Principal Math Focus
Math Goal – Part I We the staff at Dibble Elementary will improve all students’ measurement skills in mathematics as measured by the fall 2009 MEAP Math Assessment for grades 3-6 th and CCC FOR K-2 so that our non- economically disadvantaged students show proficiency at 90%.
Math Goal – Part II The performance of students who are economically disadvantaged will show a 5% increase per grade to proficient or advanced levels.
Math Goal – Part III Additionally, all Dibble third through sixth grade students will achieve or maintain 90% overall on the MEAP Target: All Students Subgroup: Students who are socioeconomically disadvantaged.
Objective I – Teaching for Learning Teachers in collaboration with previous and successive grade level teachers will plan a series of meetings to discuss and become familiar with the continuum of the GLCE’s.
Objective I – Action Steps Teachers will meet 3-4 times this year with peers to look at GLCE’s and begin to identify and fill gaps in Everyday Math. Discussion will take place regarding GLCE’S across grade levels in small groups, initially looking at measurement. Teachers will identify and teach GLCE’s that show the greatest need for improvement as identified on MEAP and CWCA.
Evidence of Action Achievement Data with Analysis – pre,mid, post-tests, unit tests, Successmaker scores, CWCA, MEAP, student grades.
Is It Working? Is the objective implemented to the expected level based on the plan? How many teachers are currently participating in the physical implementation of the objective out of the “total expected”? 100% Is the objective implemented to the expected level based on the plan? What is the average amount of time each teacher is utilizing the objective based on the expected amount? 1 strand = 5-10% of the math instruction time On going assessment, improvement made from Sept.-Nov.
Is It Working? Are the students making progress based on the original goal? What shifts have occurred in the students’ perceptions based on survey results ? N/A Are the students making progress based on the original goal? What shifts have occurred in the students’ achievement based on the specific skills outlined in your goal? Students exhibit more math thinking and reasoning. Beginning to see improvement based on fall performance.
Objective II – Leadership Teachers will use support staff for math when possible to facilitate small group instruction.
Objective II – Action Steps Support staff will work directly with students in small group instruction on mathematics. Principal will provide scheduling for support staff. Staff will provide small group instruction to K-6, identified at risk.
Evidence of Action Other Tangible Products – Principal completed Para Schedule to each classroom, Lesson Plans exhibit differentiation for small group as well as whole group. Para’s work is determined by the teacher and needs of the students.
Is It Working? Is the objective implemented to the expected level based on the plan? How many teachers are currently participating in the physical implementation of the objective out of the “total expected”? 100% Is the objective implemented to the expected level based on the plan? What is the average amount of time each teacher is utilizing the objective based on the expected amount? 1 hour dedicated to math instruction daily, student time as needed ( approx 50%) Due to limited Para allotment, less time is available than desired.
Is It Working? Are the students making progress based on the original goal? What shifts have occurred in the students’ perceptions based on survey results? Due to the short amount of time lapsed, growth has occurred in the first trimester. Are the students making progress based on the original goal? What shifts have occurred in the students’ achievement based on the specific skills outlined in your goal? Not enough time to assess We will need to look at a full year’s data.
Objective III – Teaching for Learning K-6 teachers will use CCC times per week consistently and analyze strand reports monthly to track student progress, use as a pre, mid and-post test, and adjust instruction
Objective III – Action Steps Teachers will complete schedule for the use of the computer lab. The schedule will begin with First Grade. Teacher will take classes to the computer lab to utilize the CCC program 3 or more times per week. They will acquire data for pre, mid, and post tests. Strand Reports will be printed monthly.
Evidence of Action Achievement Data with Analysis – Computer lab schedule designates 2-3 times per week with their classroom teacher and 1 time per week with the Computer teacher. Weekly Reports are printed by Para Pros for teachers, Strand Reports are printed as needed.
Is It Working? Is the objective implemented to the expected level based on the plan? How many teachers are currently participating in the physical implementation of the objective out of the “total expected”? 100% use the lab Is the objective implemented to the expected level based on the plan? What is the average amount of time each teacher is utilizing the objective based on the expected amount? Each session is 30 min Due to conflicts/events occasionally teachers are not able to make all visits
Is It Working? Are the students making progress based on the original goal? What shifts have occurred in the students’ perceptions based on survey results ? Yes, according to our first Progress Assessment Are the students making progress based on the original goal? What shifts have occurred in the students’ achievement based on the specific skills outlined in your goal? Using the lab was not a new practice Most classrooms see an improvement based on the lab scores.
What’s Next for Dibble Elementary? What specific Action Steps from your plan still need to occur to implement EACH objective to the original expectations designed in the plan? Schedule more time to collaborate in grade levels and for data review, separate out our economically disadvantaged students for data comparisons. What ADDITIONAL Action Steps need to be added to your plan and occur so that EACH objective is implemented to ensure the success of the student goal? Develop a common Pre-test What revisions or expansions may need to occur to the objectives? Look at all strands for Math