Stevens High School Home of the Raiders “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”-Ben Franklin
Invest in Knowledge! According to 2011 study U.S. Department of Education (full year median wages for ages 24-35) ◦ Average High School income= $29,000 ◦ Associates Degree income $37,000 ◦ Average College graduate income=$45,000 ◦ Average Graduate degree income=$60,000 (over a 40 year period a college graduate earns $1.17 million more than a high school graduate. Someone with a graduate degree earns 2 million more. A two year AA provides $180,000 more than a high school graduate. Imagine trying to survive without at least a high school diploma?
Learning Target: Students will understand the registration process in order to register classes according to their personal learning plan.
Online Registration Instructions CLASS OF 2018 Handouts: Registration Information Handout Transcript Online Registration Instructions Course Listing Book is available online at Click on Parents and Students, then click Handbook and Registration (
High School Graduation Requirements Personal Learning Plan (PLP) 4 year academic plan Focus on your career interests Update courses of study Ongoing process (Subject to change) Communicate with guardians
Personal Learning Plan
Graduation Requirements English4.0 Math3.0 Science3.0 Social Studies3.0 Fine Arts1.0 Physical Education1.0 Computers1.0 Personal Finance or Economics.5 Required Offerings1.0 Electives4.5 Total Credits22 minimum
Grade Level Classification Freshman0 – 4.5credits Sophomore5 – 10.5 credits Junior11 – 15.5credits Senior16 and above Class status determined by earning credits, not years of attendance
Required English Credits (4) GradeClassCredit 9 th GradeEnglish th GradeEnglish 10 or Advanced English th GradeEnglish 11 or Advanced English th GradeLiterature or AP English th GradeWriting or AP English 12.5
10 th Grade English Register for English 10 or Advanced English 10 Communicate with current English teacher for recommendation
Required Math Credits (3) GradeClassCredit 9 th GradeIntegrated Math 1 (Math Lab) th GradeIntegrated Math 2 (Int. Math 3 if completed Math 2) (Math Lab) th GradeIntegrated Math 3 (Math Lab) th GradeMath Elective
10 th Grade Math Your math teacher will recommend your math class for next year based upon your math achievements (form provided by math teacher). Options during 10 th grade: ◦ Integrated Math 2 ◦ Integrated Math 3 (If completed Integrated Math 2)
Required Science Credits (3) GradeClassCredit 9 th GradePhysical Science 1 Physical Science th GradeBiology 1 Biology th GradeChemistry or Physics th GradeScience Elective
10 th Grade Science Register for Biology 1 (.5 credit) and Biology 2 (.5 credit) ◦ Your current science teacher needs to provide you with a recommendation if you are also considering registering for chemistry. ◦ Completion of or concurrent registration of Integrated Math 3 is strongly recommended. ◦ An A in Math 1 or an A or B in Math 2 is strongly recommended.
Required Social Studies Credits (3) GradeClassCredit 9 th GradeCivics (.5) World Geography (.5) th GradeWorld History.5 11 th GradeUS History 1 and 2 or AP History th GradeUS Government or AP US Government (1.0 credit).5
10 th Grade Social Studies Register for World History (.5) ◦ World History is a required social studies course for graduation
Required Credits CategoryCredit Fine Arts1.0 Physical Education1.0 Computer Studies1.0 Personal Finance or Economics.5 (Required Offering) Any combination of the following: World Language, Approved Career & Technical Courses, or Service Learning 1.0
Failing a Class Register for any core class that you failed Register for any core class that it appears you will fail (example year long classes)
Total Credits Required for Graduation Required Courses17.5 Elective Courses4.5 Total Credits22 (minimum)
Elective Credits = CHOICES Elective classes are your CHOICE Choose your elective classes wisely Consider your strengths and weakness when determining a manageable course load Consider your findings from SDMyLife Consider personal interests
Summary 10 th grade students register for the following: ◦ English 10 or Advanced English 10 ◦ Biology 1 and Biology 2 ◦ Integrated Math 2 or Integrated Math 3 if you completed Integrated Math 2 ◦ World History Register for additional credits
Testing Out of Courses Testing out of courses is an option for students to accelerate coursework and meet the goals of their Personal Learning Plan Go to Click on Parents and Students and Test Out or call for more information and details Contact your counselor for further information
Online Registration Instructions You will need your username and password to complete the On-Line Registration (you received these today). You will be able to submit your course requests on-line from home or school beginning February 2– February 11, 2015 (Registration Window) Communicate your selected courses with your parent/guardian as he/she will approve your selections During registration, students pick course selections only. Students schedule (pick times and teachers based on arena attendance) in early May.
Assistance Talk to your guardian Talk to your teachers Ask your counselor ◦ Paula Wilson (ABC EFG) ◦ Melissa Good-Mitzel (HIJ LMN) ◦ Kim Elder (O-V) ◦ Katie Baskerville (DK W-Z) ◦ Kathryn Sosa (Gifted Education Services) Administration ◦ Shane Heilman (A-G) ◦ Tyler Rachetto (H-N) ◦ Jocelyn Hafner (O-Z) Registrar ◦ Marcia Geyer
“Education teaches you the value of discipline” President Obama
Check Your Understanding! When does the registration window open and close? Explain why you are not allowed to drop a class after registration window closes? How many credits can you earn for a semester class? How many for a yearlong class? Who are your best resources to help you select elective courses? Why does a full schedule and involvement in extra-curricular activities lead to increased student achievement?