NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Integrating Developmental Students into College Algebra with Support: A pilot study of the co-requisite model. Dr. Pinder Naidu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Ms. Tonya Jones, Assistant Professor of Mathematics NADE 38 th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Kennesaw State University Currently 24,000+ students; 3,000+ residential University College formed in University College houses the following: –Department of First-Year Programs FYE Seminar Courses (KSU 1101; KSU 1111; KSU 1121; KSU 1200) Learning Communities –Department of University Studies Integrative Studies Degree Program Leadership Studies Program Senior-Year Experience Seminar (KSU 4401) Learning Support/Developmental Studies Supplemental Instruction; Math Lab English as a Second Language (ESL) Study & Tutorial Center –Center for Student Leadership –First-Year and Undeclared Advising Center
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Learning Support At Kennesaw State University
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Institutional Learning Support Math Students –SATM between 400 and 460 –ACTM between 17 and 19 –No College Preparatory Curriculum deficiency in mathematics –COMPASS Math between 20 and 36 –Mostly traditional students –40% of our LS math population Fall 2012 System Learning Support Math Students –SATM below 400 –ACTM below 17 –No SAT or ACT (Most usual) –Any student with a College Preparatory Curriculum deficiency in mathematics –COMPASS Math between 20 and 36 –Mostly non-traditional students –60% of our LS math population Fall 2012 Our Learning Support Students
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Required Program for LS Math Students Students must take –Math 0097 Elementary Algebra (3 hours of institutional credit) AND Math 0098 Intermediate Algebra (3 hours of institutional credit) OR –Math 0099 Elementary and Intermediate Algebra (6 hours of institutional credit) Elementary Algebra Topics –Order of operations –Linear equations –Graphing –Systems of equations Intermediate Algebra Topics –Exponents –Factoring –Rational equations –Radicals –Quadratic functions
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Research Base for Co-Requisite Models
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Complete College America Initiative Complete College America’s report Remediation: Higher Education’s Bridge to Nowhere (April 2012) states, students placed in Learning Support Mathematics can be successful in a credit level math course if required to attend a co-requisite course in lieu of the traditional Learning Support Mathematics courses. final.pdf
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Complete College America Initiative Successful initiatives launched at Austin Peay State University, Texas State University-San Marcos and the University of Maryland at College Park. The above are references x, xi and xii from the pdf document located below. final.pdf
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Complete College Georgia Initiative Developmental education in the state of Georgia will be reorganized by fall of Many initiatives are already in place.
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas KSU College Algebra Co-Requisite Model
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Developing the Co-Requisite Model at KSU Attended a “College Completion: Focus of Transforming Remedial and Gateway Mathematics” in November of 2012 Developed a proposal Approval from the Board of Regents Approved at KSU through two colleges –University College –College of Science and Mathematics
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas The Co-Requisite Model Both Learning Support and Non-Learning Support students attend a College Algebra course together. The College Algebra is taught by Learning Support Math faculty. There is a mandatory 1-credit hour lab, Math 1111L, for Learning Support students meeting 2.5 hours per week.
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas The Co-Requisite Model The lab focuses on prerequisite skills for next class as well as reviewing topics of previous class. The labs are taught by Learning Support part-time instructors or Learning Support Math faculty. Part-time instructors are paid for contact time (3 hour class). Full-time instructors get workload credit for one three- hour course.
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas The Co-Requisite Model The same instructor should NOT teach the College Algebra class and the lab. Attendance is a component of Lab grade. Learning Support students still have all prerequisite holds in place for other classes such as science and economics courses. All students have a Supplemental Instruction leader for out of class support.
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas The Co-Requisite Model Students who pass College Algebra with a C or better have their Learning Support Mathematics requirement satisfied. Students who do not pass College Algebra with a C or better but who do make a satisfactory grade in Math 1111L will be allowed to attempt the Compass Exit Exam. Those who pass the Compass Exit Exam will have their Learning Support Mathematics requirement satisfied.
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas The Co-Requisite Model Those that do not pass the Compass exit exam must enroll in Intermediate Algebra. Students who do not pass College Algebra with a C or better and who make an unsatisfactory grade in Math 1111L must enroll in Elementary Algebra.
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas The Co-Requisite Model In Fall 2013 there were two pilot cohorts of this model. One was a Regular term cohort and the other was an Stretch cohort. In Spring 2014 there were two Regular term cohorts. Four cohorts are planned for Fall 2014, two Regular term and two Stretch.
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Stretch and Regular Co-Requisite Models at KSU Fall 2013 Stretch (18 weeks) Early Start Bridge Academy Learning Community Supplemental Instruction Lab met twice a week for 1 hour and 15 mins 14 Learning Support Students –all traditional 16 Non-Learning Support Students- all traditional Regular (15 weeks) Began in August Not part of a Learning Community Supplemental Instruction Lab met once a week for 2 hours and 30 mins 14 Learning Support Students –2 non-trads 13 Non-Learning Support Students –2 non-trads
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas KSU Early Start Bridge Academy (ESBA) Implemented as a pilot in Fall 2008 A 18-week Summer/Fall Program ( Fall courses with a 3-week summer “early” start) A Learning Community that pairs a College Algebra mathematics class and a First Year Seminar Participants are self-selected from among those who are eligible
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Administrative Processes Student Recruitment –Stretch Model Mailings sent to students in early spring term. Information sessions are held during the spring. Program Manager of the ESBA program selects students. –Regular Term Letters were mailed to all incoming students with COMPASS Math Entrance scores from and 36-54
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Administrative Processes Registration –Each College Algebra appears as two sections. –Learning Support students were enrolled in Learning Support classes and moved to College Algebra and the Math 1111L. –A hold was placed on the students’ registrations.
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Administrative Processes Registration for the Following Term –All Learning Support students were administratively placed in a Learning Support Math course –The course was removed after registration End of Term Processes –Students who did not make a C or better needed to be addressed. –Learning Support requirements were satisfied manually.
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Results Math 1111 Stretch Model (ESBA) Math 1111 Regular Model
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Incoming Characteristics Extended (ESBA)Regular SATMean LSP Non-LSP CompassMean LSP Non-LSP Math 1111 Extended (ESBA): N = 30 LSP = 14Non-LSP = 16 Math 1111 Regular:N = 27 LSP = 14Non-LSP = 13
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Both Cohorts Results FALL 2013 CompassSATMACTMGrade LabTest #1Test #2Test #3 Test #4 Final Exam Pilot Total:Mean N=57SD Min Max Total LSP:Mean N=28SD Min Max Total NON-LSP:Mean N=29SD Min Max
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Both Cohorts Grades College Algebra
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Stretch Model Results FALL 2013 CompassSATMACTMGrade LabTest #1Test #2Test #3 Test #4 Final Exam TOTAL ESBAMean N=30SD Min Max ESBA LSPMean N=14SD Min Max ESBA NON-LSPMean N=16SD Min Max
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Stretch Grades in College Algebra
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Regular Model FALL 2013 CompassSATMACTMGrade LabTest #1Test #2Test #3 Test #4 Final Exam TOTAL 1111-RegMean N=27SD Min Max Reg LSPMean N=14SD Min Max Reg NON- LSPMean N=13SD Min Max T-Test: NON vs LSP Reg vs ESBA LSP: Reg vs ESBA NON: Reg vs. ESBA ESBA: NON vs LSP Reg: NON vs LSP
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Regular Model Grades in College Algebra
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Stretch vs. Regular Grades
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Stretch vs. Regular vs. Control of LSP Students
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Stretch vs. Regular vs. Control of Non-LSP Students
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Conclusions Learning Support students at KSU performed as well as Non-Learning Support students in both the Stretch and Regular cohorts Additional 1 hour lab provided needed foundation and support for Learning Support students Collaboration between both course and lab instructors was required
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas What’s Next? Continue the co-requisite model of College Algebra. Add a co-requisite model for Mathematical Modeling. Develop Foundation courses. Be at full scale by Fall 2015.
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas References Boylan, H. R., & Bonham, B. S. (2007). 30 years of developmental education: A retrospective. Journal of Developmental Education, 30(3), 2-4. Complete College America’s report Remediation: Higher Education’s Bridge to Nowhere, April Retrieved from Complete College America report Transform Remediation: The co-requisite model. Retrieved from, Req%20Model%20%20Transform%20Remediation%20for%20Chicago%20 final(1).pdfhttp:// Req%20Model%20%20Transform%20Remediation%20for%20Chicago%20 final(1).pdf Casazza, M., & Silverman, S. (1996). Learning assistance and developmental education. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Russell, A. (2008). Enhancing college student success through developmental education. Retrieved from American Association of State Colleges and Universities. website: education.pdf Weinstein, C. (1994). Students at risk for academic failure: Learning to learn classes. In R. M. S. Keith W. Prichard (Ed.), Handbook of College Teaching: Theory and Applications: Greenwood Publishing Group.
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas References on Summer Bridge Programs, First-Year Programs, and Learning Communities Garcia, P. (1991). Summer bridge: Improving retention rates for underprepared students. Journal of Freshman Year Experience, 3(2), Terenzini, P., Rendon, L., Upcraft, L., Millar, S., Allison, K., Gregg, P., & Jalomo, R. (1996). The transition to college: Diverse students, diverse stories. In F. Stage, G. Anya, J. Bean, D. Hossler, & G. Kuh, ASHE Reader on college students: The evolving nature of research, pp 54-79, Needham Heights: Ginn Press. Tinto, V. (2003). Student success and the building of involving educational communities. Higher Education Monograph Series, Syracuse University. Retrieved October 27, 2007 from cess.pdf cess.pdf
NADE 38th Annual Conference March 5 - 8, 2014 Dallas, Texas Contact Us Ms. Tonya Jones – Dr. Pinder Naidu –