PowerTime building energy independence and community interdependence in Madison’s Allied Drive neighborhood
Allied residents MGE TimeBank PowerTime 2010 Allied Wellness Center Energy Services PowerTime 2010: Pilot project with Dane County TimeBank, MGE, Allied Wellness Center and Energy Services Results: 20+ homes reduced energy use by 10% per home 4 neighborhood residents learned to be energy conservation consultants In exchange for one TimeBank Hour, PowerTime providers show TimeBank members simple ways to save energy in their home or apartment. and highlight the significant impact these measures may have on their utility bill. The information provided through PowerTime is made available by Madison Gas and Electric Company (MGE). To participate in this project each PowerTime provider completed a MGE instructed energy- saving workshop. MGE will work with each PowerTime provider for the duration of this project to ensure the information being provided is accurate and achievable.
People in cash-strapped West Virginia earn time credits to make and install solar panels and use the savings on energy bills to fund the programWest Virginia
PowerTime 2013 Goals Solar panels on all appropriate surfaces More energy efficiency through a variety of methods Education for workers, renters, owners Solar hot water heating Training in skilled trades for people in neighborhood Identify skilled workers in neighborhood Varied points of entry into project (for different ages, abilities, skill sets, time commitments, etc) Longterm employment possibilities Cooperative effort (to do this we must be greater than the sum of our parts) Allied Dr. as model for other communities Reduce the need for fulltime employment (redesign work at a human scale)
Allied residents, TimeBank, Allied Wellness Center, Allied Neighborhood Assns, Madison Apprenticeship Program, Nehemiah Development PowerTime 2013 Phase I : Expanded project with Allied Community Coop - partnership of organizations and residents Expected Results: Door-to-door outreach for coop membership, build interest in conservation, provide more energy consulting, interest residents and landlords in higher-level improvements, pool resources for more possibilities Maxine’s TimeBank Store Wellness Project PowerTime 2013 Computer refurbishing collaborator: Union Tech Coop PowerTime 2013 collaborator: MGE Allied Community Coop
PowerTime 2013 Phase II : Partner with Project Home and MAP to conduct more weatherization and conservation activities, with neighborhood people apprenticing Expected Results: Building skills for weatherization and carpentry, greater energy savings, interest residents and landlords in higher-level improvements, pool resources for more possibilities Maxine’s TimeBank Store Computer refurbishing collaborator: Union Tech Coop Wellness Project PowerTime 2013 phase I collaborator: MGE building weatherization higher cost, creative financing through cooperative PowerTime 2013 phase II potential collaborators: MGE Project Home
Allied Community Coop Computer refurbishing collaborator: Union Tech Coop PowerTime 2013 phase I collaborator: MGE building weatherization higher cost, creative financing through cooperative PowerTime 2013 phase II Maxine’s TimeBank Store Wellness Project potential collaborators: Project Home MadWorC neighborhood landlords PowerTime 2014 phase III assembling/installing solar energy and water higher cost, greater skill development needed, more structure, creative financing through cooperative potential collaborators: IBEW Full-Spectrum Juanita and Jim other neighborhood landlords PowerTime 2014 phase III : Begin solar panel and water heater assembly and installation, with apprenticeships and training and employment model
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