Road inspection and social dumping J-M CRANDAL High level expert General Directorate Transport Infrastructure and Sea FRANCE
Road inspection and social dumping How intelligent inspections can play an essential role for preventing and countering social dumping in road haulage market ?
The scattered factors of production of road freight transport to address the issues of UNFAIR COMPETITION and SOCIAL DUMPING road side inspectors have to work out the pieces of the jigsaw of the factors of production in road transport : labour & capital – scattered in many countries each one falling in the jurisdiction of several national inspection bodies
The scattered factors of production of road freight transport 3 examples – 1st international carriage – 2 nd cabotage – 3rd letter-box subsidiaries
The scattered factors : 1st example Road side check Driver’s Work contract Haulier’s parent company Place of delivery Consignor’s place Registration of the vehicle Haulier’s subsidiary contract of carriage
The scattered factors of production : 1st example case of an international carriage to the Red country where the road side checks take place and where the parent company has its registered head of offices involving 2 countries : the Yellow and the Red
The scattered factors of production : 1st example Clues of fraud : the subsidiary is a letter-box in the Yellow country the driver seldom or never drives to the place of this subsidiary his real boss is the parent company
The scattered factors of production : 1st example What are the legal issues ? Who is competent to address them ?
The scattered factors of production : 1st example Presumption of fake establishment for the subsidiary ( Reg 1071/2009 a 5 c ) undeclared work for the driver if he is working normaly in the country of the parent company ( ECJ C 29: KOELZSCH )
The scattered factors of production : 1st example The information provided by road side checks should be shared and analysed by all the competent bodies ( road side inspection– labor inspection - social security – public revenue- justice…) of the country who lead investigation together up to the parent company
The scattered factors of production : 1st example In this case efficient inspection relies mainly on the cooperation of different national bodies ( the Red one ) but could be more efficient with the cooperation of the authorities of the Yellow country ….
The scattered factors of production 2nd example Road side check Driver’s work contract Haulier’s parent company Place of delivery Place of consignor Registration of the vehicle Haulier’s subsidiary contract of carriage
The scattered factors of production : 2nd example Case of a irregular cabotage carried out by a letter box company ( Yellow ) which is a subsidiary of a parent company located in a another EC Member country ( Purple) 3 countries are involved : Yellow, Red, Purple
The scattered factors of production : 2nd example The road side checks show that the driver is working normally in the parent company and not in the subsidiary and is paid 1000 €/ month instead of 2500 €/m. with a work contract of the Yellow country
The scattered factors of production : 2nd example Which labour law should be applied to drivers ? – the law of the work contract of the country where is based the parent company ? – law of the country in which the driver is posted ? – both ?
The scattered factors of production : 2nd example Issues : – in the country of the road side check : how to implement the posting of workers directive ? – what could be done in cooperation with the authorities of the country where or from where the driver is working normally ?
The issue of letter box companies The letter-box companies : a challenge for the enforcement bodies of all the countries
The issue of letter box companies A survey on the letter-box companies in one EC Member State showed that 110 hauliers of the country share 15 addresses most of them in the capital city… none of those places are suitable for an establishment according to article 5 c of the Reg. 1071/2009, all those 110 companies are subsidiaries of parent companies established in 7 other EC Member States…
The issue of letter box companies Parent companies in the country where the survey was led are under investigation, prosecuted or sentenced, But what could be done for those based in other MS ? Could ECR cope with such issues ?
Road inspection and social dumping Thank you for your attention