Welcome to Year 4! Riley Class – Ms O’Sulliivan and Mrs Wotton Morris Class – Mrs Peverett and Mrs Harvey
Today’s Meeting Growth Mindset Topics Homework ‘Ocean Diaries’ Targets PE
We are a Growth Mindset School What does this mean?
Topics Curriculum overviews, for every year group, will be found on the Briary website. The main topics for Year 4 are: Where does my food go? Electricity and Sound The Dark Ages Dragons Amazon Rainforest
Homework Reading – 3+ times per week. Friday – Maths, English or Topic. Spellings. Times tables.
‘Ocean Diaries’ Every Friday, we check the ocean diaries for reading and parent/guardian signatures. We also sign them and hand out reading stamps. Please ensure that your child reads at least three times a week (ten - fifteen minutes) and sign in the diary to let us know. The children are responsible for changing their own reading books in the mornings.
Targets Reading, writing and maths targets will be sent home to you at the first parents meeting – Tuesday 10 th and Wednesday 11 th November. Reading: Decoding, comprehension and reading for meaning. Writing : Personalised - two stars and one goal. Maths: instant recall of number facts. Please do not hesitate to come in and ask for any advice or resources to help your child achieve their targets.
Behaviour “Traffic light” system in class Individual Golden Time Points awarded or deducted through the week. Golden Time activities on Friday afternoon for those pupils who have earned a minimum of 20 points through the week.
PE Terms 1 & 2 PE - Tuesday PE/Gym - Wednesday PE Kit White or purple t-shirt White or black shorts Black pumps Spare socks Jogging bottoms
What can you do to help? Punctual and regular attendance. Read with your child regularly. Ask your child questions about the book they are reading. Help them to complete their homework each week. Practise times tables. Work on your child’s targets (to be discussed at parents evening).
Thank you for attending and we look forward to getting to know you all! Any questions?