Recap… Part Three The Business Plan
What We Learned… Moving a feasible concept to a business plan Develop strategy and structure of the business plan Organize a business plan effectively Successfully present a business plan
We Learned… Ownership/Business Structures Sole proprietorships and partnerships The corporate form and its advantages and disadvantages The limited liability company The nonprofit corporation Decisions about which legal form to use for which purpose A business entity can evolve from one legal form to another
Ethics and Responsibility… The role of ethics in entrepreneurship Entrepreneurs can demonstrate responsibility An entrepreneur’s vision and values contribute to the culture of the new venture Core values to success
Designing an Entrepreneurial Organization… Businesses and organizational design Identify the appropriate business site Critical issues related to organizing people
Managing Operations… Components of the production process Manage quality Outsourcing can benefit an entrepreneurial venture Key issues in supply chain management
Entrepreneurial Marketing Plans… Product adoption/diffusion curve for marketing strategy Effective marketing plans Advertising and promotion that entrepreneur can tap Publicity Entrepreneurs can employ new media to their advantage Personal selling in a marketing strategy
Funding a Start-up Venture… Resource strategies The nature of start-up finance Funding with equity Financing with debt
The Venture The Venture Presentation is Near… ARE YOU READY…?