Online Presence of JAAGO Foundation
Social Media for JAAGO A huge number of people are connected through social media, which is interactive and social yet personal platform. For JAAGO Foundation, Social media is one of the most effective tool to reach target audience directly.
Social Media Sector of JAAGO Foundation Twitter JAAGO Foundation- Volunteer for Bangladesh Facebook JAAGO Foundation- Volunteer for Bangladesh- YouTube JAAGO Foundation Volunteer for Bangladesh
Activities In Asia Pacific 35.0% and In Bangladesh 8% people are engaged with Twitter. Our Goals: To reach International support. To show our activities. Responsible team- Public relation team is responsible for running the all social media account
Content- Child Stories, Activities of children and volunteers Information regarding various campaigns like- Sponsorship campaign, Ramadan Drive, Universal Children's Day, World Water Day, World Environment Day etc. Two/Three contents is shared on twitter per day. Activities
Our Key Point- Hashtag- A popular term for twitter. In every post we used some hashtags related to the content. Tag- We tag people or organization who are related to our campaign in every post. It’s very effective to reach every concern people.
Success Assessment- Retweet/appreciation by recognized person/ organization. Response from Sponsors/donors Activities
Other Accounts Website ( 4,310 people have visited our website in month of Facebook: Over 14 million people in Bangladesh is connected to Facebook. Currently 120,118 followers and 80,799 people are engaged through JAAGO FB page. In Volunteer for Bangladesh page 80,842 followers and 28, 325 engaged. YouTube: 100 videos on JAAGO Channel 20 videos on Volunteer for Bangladesh channel On average, at least one video is uploaded every month
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