Biological Bases of Behavior: Unit 2
State of the Field Biological creatures – underlies all of psychology New findings at an exploding rate Focus on the basics
Two Communication Systems of the Body What are they? * Endocrine system (hormones) * Nervous system
Historical View: Franz Gall & Phrenology
Historical View: Phineas Gage
Yikes, Continued …
What Did We Learn? Connection between brain and emotions/personality Localization of functions (although … note some limits to that idea) Another Story
The Brain: Cellular Level Basic unit of nervous system: the neuron Types of neurons: sensory (afferent) & motor (efferent); interneurons (go- betweens)
Structure & Function of the Neuron
What Happens at the Synapse
From Neurons to Brain Structures
“Layers” of the Brain
Brain Stem Area
Brain Stem Structures
Limbic Area
Driving a Car? Take a few minutes to work on sheet …