Main Idea: Long-term social unrest in Russia erupted in revolution, ushering in the first Communist government.
Why It Matters Now: The Communist Party controlled the Soviet Union until the country’s breakup in 1991.
Alexander III Upheld Autocracy Strict Censorship Secret Police Prisoners sent to Siberia Oppressed all non- Russians, especially Jews (pogroms)
Czar Nicholas II and Family
Nicholas continued the autocratic rule of his father. He made Russia a leading steel producer in the world. But, this caused poor working conditions, low wages, child labor and strikes.
Trans-Siberian Railway: world’s longest continuous rail line, finished in 1904
Rapid industrialization stirred discontent among the people. Revolutionary groups began to grow. They wanted change and listened to the ideas of Karl Marx. Marxists in Russia came in two forms.
Mensheviks: wanted a broad base of popular support Bolsheviks: supported a small number of committed revolutionaries willing to sacrifice everything for change
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov = Lenin Leader of Bolsheviks Engaging Personality Organizer Ruthless
Suffering In Russia Russo-Japanese War: 1904 Fought with Japan over Korea and Manchuria Russia was defeated
Bloody Sunday: Revolution of 1905
Workers and families went to Czar’s Winter Palace with a petition for better conditions, more personal freedoms, and a national legislature. Soldiers fired on and killed 1,000 unarmed protesters.
Nicholas approved the Duma, Russia’s first parliament. Leaders of the Duma wanted a constitutional monarchy. Nicholas dissolved it after ten weeks!
World War I: The Final Blow Unprepared to handle the military and economic costs Nicholas II went to the front to support his troops Czarina Alexandra was left to run the country, with the help of Rasputin
Gregory Rasputin: Holy Man? Healing Powers? Made political decisions Corruption 1916, murdered by nobles (poisoned, shot, drowned)
If I am killed by common assassins and especially by my brothers the Russian peasants, you, Tsar of Russia, have nothing to fear for your children, they will reign for hundreds of years in Russia....if it was your relations who have wrought my death, then no one in your family, that is to say, none of your children or relations will remain alive for two years. They will be killed by the Russian people... I shall be killed. I am no longer among the living. Pray, pray, be strong, think of your blessed family. Grigory
March Revolution 1917, women textile workers had a strike Others joined in protest over bread and fuel shortages Soldiers joined the protesters
Czar Nicholas II was forced to abdicate his throne, and he and his family were killed a year later.
A provisional government was set up led by Alexander Kerensky. Soviets---local councils consisting of workers, peasants and soldiers--- were formed. Lenin returned to Russia from exile in Germany.
The Bolshevik Revolution Provisional Government Ended Peace, Land and Bread: Farmland distributed to peasants, pulled out of WWI, factory control given to Bolsheviks Civil War between Red and White Armies Around 15 million Russians died, Red Army won
Lenin Restored Order: New Economic Policy: small-scale capitalism, some private ownership Political Reforms: Republics, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Moscow was capital, Bolsheviks became the Communist Party
Lenin had several strokes and died in His tomb is in Red Square in Moscow.
"Ideas are more dangerous than guns. We wouldn't let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?" --Joseph StalinJoseph Stalin
Stalin becomes Dictator “Man of Steel” Worked his way up in the Communist Party Exiled his competition, Leon Trotsky
Command Economy Industry at the expense of the people Collective farms Secret Police (the Great Purge) Propaganda and censorship No Religion (League of the Militant Godless) Totalitarian State:
Only positives: Women were equal (?) Education