History of Psychology
Ancient Egypt Egypt showed evidence of brain surgery as early as 3,000 B.C. in papyrus writings found in Egypt. “Brain,” the actual word itself, is used here for the first time in any language The treatment was used for mental illnesses, epilepsy, headaches, organic diseases, neuropathy treatment, osteomyelitis, and for head injuries. Brain surgery was also used for both spiritual and magical reasons
Ancient Egypt The Ebers Papyrus (c BC) mentions both depression and dementia. Pharaoh Psamtik I tries an experiment. (c. 620 BC)
Ancient Greece “Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.”
Aristotle Associationism We seek pleasure, and avoid pain.
“There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance.”
Maybe it’s demons !
Wilhelm Wundt
Wilhelm Wundt Structuralism The elements of consciousness are sensations (objective) and feelings (subjective)
Wilhelm Wundt Structuralism The elements of consciousness are sensations (objective) and feelings (subjective) Set up the first laboratory
William James
William James Functionalism Mental processes help us adapt
William James Functionalism Mental processes help us adapt Adaptive patterns become habits
Sigmund Freud
Freud’s Theories
Much deeper introspection
Freud’s Theories Much deeper introspection Unconscious motives
Freud’s Theories Much deeper introspection Unconscious motives Internal conflict
Freud’s Theories Much deeper introspection Unconscious motives Internal conflict It’s mostly about SEX
Freud’s Theories Much deeper introspection Unconscious motives Internal conflict It’s mostly about SEX Tools we can use:
Freud’s Theories Much deeper introspection Unconscious motives Internal conflict It’s mostly about SEX Tools we can use: Psychoanalysis
Freud’s Theories Much deeper introspection Unconscious motives Internal conflict It’s mostly about SEX Tools we can use: Psychoanalysis Hypnosis
Freud’s Theories Much deeper introspection Unconscious motives Internal conflict It’s mostly about SEX Tools we can use: Psychoanalysis Hypnosis Free Association
Freud’s Theories Much deeper introspection Unconscious motives Internal conflict It’s mostly about SEX Tools we can use: Psychoanalysis Hypnosis Free Association Interpretation of Dreams
Big Argument Time
Can Cognitive Processes be understood?
John B Watson
John B Watson Behaviorism Natural Science
John B Watson Behaviorism Natural Science We are conditioned by external events.
John B Watson Behaviorism Natural Science We are conditioned by external events. “Choice” is an illusion.
John B Watson
B. F. Skinner
Stimulus – Response
B. F. Skinner Stimulus – Response Positive & Negative Reinforcement
Gestalt Think “whole” – it’s German for “shape”
Gestalt Think “whole” – it’s German for “shape” The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Gestalt Think “whole” – it’s German for “shape” The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Problem solving through – Similarity – Closure – Insight
Gestalt Think “whole” – it’s German for “shape” The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Problem solving through – Similarity – Closure – Insight Learning has purpose!
Modern Perspectives Biological – Brain and Nerves allow thought – Use of CAT and PET – Role of Hormones and Genes
Modern Perspectives Biological – Brain and Nerves allow thought – Use of CAT and PET – Role of Hormones and Genes Evolutionary – Adaptive Behaviors
Modern Perspectives Biological – Brain and Nerves allow thought – Use of CAT and PET – Role of Hormones and Genes Evolutionary – Adaptive Behaviors Cognitive – Thoughts lead to behavior – Information processing and memory – Perceptions, values & choices lead to behaviors
Modern Perspectives Humanistic – The value of personal experiences – Self-Awareness matters – Focus on feelings to control impulses and fulfill potential
Modern Perspectives Humanistic – The value of personal experiences – Self-Awareness matters – Focus on feelings to control impulses and fulfill potential Psychoanalytic – The role of repression
Modern Perspectives Learning – Experiences shape behavior – Can be direct or observed – Learning can be intentional in observation – We can change our environment
Modern Perspectives Learning – Experiences shape behavior – Can be direct or observed – Learning can be intentional in observation – We can change our environment Sociocultural – Effects of ethnicity, gender, culture, economics
Modern Perspectives Learning – Experiences shape behavior – Can be direct or observed – Learning can be intentional in observation – We can change our environment Sociocultural – Effects of ethnicity, gender, culture, economics Biopsychosocial – Holistic theory of George Engel