School Kód ITMS projektu: Gymnázium Pavla Jozefa Šafárika – moderná škola tretieho tisícročia Vzdelávacia oblasť: Jazyk a komunikácia Predmet Anglický jazyk Ročník, triedy: III.OA Tematický celok: Škola Vypracoval: Ing. Diana Matisová Dátum:
School subjects - vocabulary Look at the vocabulary. Discuss about your favourite subject at school. 2 SCHOOL SUBJECTS: MUSIC, GEOGRAPHY, MATHS, CHEMISTRY, HISTORY, CITIZENSHIP, BIOLOGY, ECONOMICS, P.E. LESSONS, ART, SCIENCE, LANGUAGES – SLOVAK, ENGLISH, GERMAN, FRENCH
School subjects... about elements and chemical reactions? sing and play a musical instrument?...about society and human rights? calculate?...about past events?...about plants and animals?...about the world, climate, populations? 3 CHEMISTRY MUSIC CITIZENSHIP MATHS HISTORY BIOLOGY GEOGRAPHY Where do you learn...
My timetable TIMEMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY Complete your timetable. What is your easiest day? What is your most difficult day?
School facilities - vocabulary Look at the vocabulary. Discuss which of these facilities does your school have? Which of them do you miss? 5 SCHOOL FACILITIES art room, computer room, dance studio, gymnasium, football/hockey pitch, indoor/outdoor swimming pool, language laboratory, library, music room, recording studio, science laboratory, stage, tennis courts, theatre
School facilities What school facilities do you see in the pictures? 6
School system in SR 7 1. nursery 2. kindergarden 3. elementary school / primary school 4. secondary / high school YEARS 1 – 2 3 – 6 7 – – university Where do you go when you are...?
After-school clubs 8
My classroom Describe the classroom in the picture. Then describe your classroom. Compare them 9
School grades Write the English equivalents. 10 The United KingdomSlovak Republicc SymbolMeaningSymbolMeaning 1.A+ 2.A1výborný 3.B2chválitebný 4.C3dobrý 5.D4dostatočný 6.E5nedostatočný excellent good inadequate outstanding satisfactory unsatisfactory very good failed
My school Type of school: Principal: Deputy head: Head teacher: Number of students: Number of classes: School facilities: Final exam: 11
Where do you go to school? What is the educational system in SR? What is your favourite subject and why? What facilities does your school have? Why did you choose this school? Why is education important for people? What afterschool activities do you like? What would you change in our school if you could? Do you like our school?Why? What relationship do you have with your mates and teachers? Do you have many friends in your school? Do you spend your freetime with your classmates? Compare the educational system in your country and in Japan. 12 Discussion
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