CANCER MANAGEMENT Efort multidisciplinar Diagnostic Tratament Post-terapeutic ECHIPA
CUNOASTERE: Biologie cancer Psihosociologie cancer
ROLURI Ingrijirea medicala Interrelationare – Pacient – Familie EDUCATIE Cercetarea stiintifica
EVOLUTIE Imbunatatirea practicilor de ingrijire prin – Cercetare – Educatie medicala continua – Educatie avansata
NURSING ONCOLOGIC Specialitate ? USA – Oncology Nursing Society (ONS)
EDUCATIE INTELEGERE Biologia cancerului Epidemiologie Preventie Tratament Practica ingrijirii Evolutia conceptelor legate de cancer
ONS + ANA Standarde de ingrijire Standarde de performanta
STANDARDE DE INGRIJIRE EVALUARE – colecteaza sistematic si continuu date despre starea de sanatate a pacientului DIAGNOSTIC – analizeaza datele colectate si stabileste dg specific (nursing dg) EVOLUTIA – asteptarile legate de evolutia pacientului
STANDARDE DE INGRIJIRE PLANIFICARE – dezvolta planul individual global de ingrijire pentru a atinge evolutia asteptata IMPLEMENTARE – aplicarea practica a planificarii EVALUARE – sistematica, regulata
STANDARDE DE PERFORMANTA PROFESIONALA CALITATEA INGRIJIRILOR – evalueaza sistematic eficienta si calitatea ingrijirii AUTOEVALUARE – raporteaza propria performanta la standarde EDUCATIE – dobandeste si mentine cunostinte actualizate in practica sa COLEGIALITATE – contribuie la dezvoltarea profesionala a colegilor
STANDARDE DE PERFORMANTA PROFESIONALA ETICA – ia decizii fundamentate etic pentru binele pacientilor sai COLABORARE – colaboreaza cu pacientul, echipa multidisciplinara, alte persoane implicate CERCETARE – contribuie la dezvoltarea bazei stiintifice a practicii prin cunoasterea si aplicarea efectelor cercetarii UTILIZAREA RESURSELOR – pune de acord siguranta, eficienta, costurile legate de ingrijirea pacientului
PROFESSIONAL ADVANCED PRACTICE STANDARDS Standard I. Direct Caregiver Function The advanced practice oncology nurse, who functions as a direct caregiver, provides, guides, directs, and evaluates the nursing practice delivered to clients with actual or potential diagnoses of cancer. Standard II. Co-ordinator Function The advanced practice oncology nurse, who functions as a co-ordinator, uses systems theory and the change process with the inter-disciplinary oncology team to determine and achieve realistic health care goals for the client, the community, and/or the health care system. Standard III. Consultant Function The advanced practice oncology nurse, who functions as a consultant, provides expert knowledge about oncology to colleagues, health professionals, allied health personnel, health care consumers, and professional/public organizations.
PROFESSIONAL ADVANCED PRACTICE STANDARDS Standard IV. Education Function The advanced practice oncology nurse, who functions as an educator, assesses the learning needs of the client, health professional and/or the community, and then designs, implements, and evaluates educational activities. Standard V. Researcher Function The advanced practice oncology nurse, who functions as a researcher identifies current researchable problems in oncology nursing, tests relevant theories related to oncology nursing, collaborates in research, and evaluates and implements research findings that have an impact on cancer care and cancer nursing. Standard VI. Administrator Function The advanced practice oncology nurse, who functions as an administrator, uses management theory to create an environment that provides quality care to the client and/or the community and that promotes professional nursing practice.
PROFESSIONAL ADVANCED PRACTICE STANDARDS Standard VII. Professional Development The advanced practice oncology nurse assumes responsibility for individual professional development and continuing education and serves as a role model and mentor to other health professionals. Standard VIII. Ethics The advanced practice oncology nurse applies the American Nurses’ Association Code for Nurses and the Patient’s Bill of Rights to ethical decision making in cancer nursing practice. Standard IX. Legal Issues The advanced practice oncology nurse demonstrates knowledge of the legal issues in cancer nursing practice.
PROFESSIONAL ADVANCED PRACTICE STANDARDS Standard X. Quality Assurance The advanced practice oncology nurse monitors and evaluates oncology nursing practice to ensure that high-quality care is provided to clients and/or the community. Standard XI. Health-Care Policy The advanced practice oncology nurse demonstrates knowledge of the political process as a mechanism to address health-care policy and issues to improve health care.