Dong Incheon High School
ClassificationSchool YearAge High School Middle School Primary School
ClassificationSchool YearSubject High School 12 Selected Subject (Advanced Subjects) Korean language arts Ethics Social Studies Mathematics Science Practical Course Physical Education Music Arts Foreign Language (English) Middle School Primary School
Established in 1961 ◦ Originally in Jemulpo Moved to Mansu campus in1988 2012 to 2016 will run as an autonomous school Mr. Son Keun Seop became the 20 th principal Public, General High School for Boys (aged 16 to 18) 22,400 Alumni,945 currently enrolled 32 classes, 76 staff members
GradeNumber / Class Types 1 st Graders 286 (10 classes) 2 nd Graders 314 (10 classes) Humanities : 124 (4 classes) Sciences & Engineering : 190 (6 classes) 3 rd Graders 345 (10 classes) Humanities : 149 (4 classes) Sciences & Engineering : 196 (6 classes)
Principal1Administrator1 Vice-Principal1Maintenances2 Head Teachers12 Accountants, Assistants 7 Teachers50Nurse, Cook2 Total64Total12