Maritime Information Sharing Standards and Architecture A National Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) Information Sharing Environment (MISE) Implemented Through Common Data Standards and Architectural Understanding. Frank Sisto Technical Advisor, Office of the DoD Executive Agent for MDA (DoD EAMDA)
Direction and Governance U.S. GOVERNMENT Policy NATIONAL PLANS Guidance DoD Directive Guidance NSMS NPAMDA GMIIP
MDA Architecture Requirement National MDA CONOPS Describes a Services-Oriented Architecture (SOA) with User Defined Operational Picture (UDOP) Core services should include discovery, collaboration, mediation, messaging, security, storage, and enterprise management (performance monitoring and configuration management) Develop initial services-based architecture focusing on national information products and utilizing existing SOA-based services MDA Architecture Management Hub Strategy Approved by National Maritime Coordination Office Identified “As-Is” and “To-Be” plans
Initial Focus Areas Initial Focus Areas: Vessel position/tracks Based on applicable OTH-Gold messages Arrival reports for vessels bound for U.S. - based on SANS data and eANOA collections Indicators & Notifications - Based on NORTHCOM VOI lexicon MOTR information exchanges - Based on standards messages used by MOTR Biometric & Identity Information Exchange - Pending biometrics working group standard
National MDA Architecture Missions, Products, Systems or Users for any Agency, Department, Service or Office Reusable standards and defined business rules and policies enabling cross domain movement. Movement through Firewalls or Cross Domain Solutions Data Standards Entitlement Management Ingest Mediation Dissemination Enterprise Services Bus Data Standards Missions: - Collect vessel arrivals - Assessment screening - Boarding's & inspections Users: - Common Operational Pictures - Portals/information displays - Watch stander interfaces Programs & Products: - Surface wave radar - AIS Collection - Data fusions product Systems: - VRMTC-A - MAGNet - MARAD Attribute for Access Controls (entitlements) Missions, Products, Systems or Users for any Agency, Department, Service or Office
NIEM National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) is a joint DOJ/DHS program started in 2005, to promote standardization of information exchange for jurisdictional information sharing The NIEM program provides tools used across the USG for enabling interoperability at the data layer within and across systems supporting information sharing, while preserving investments in current technology and optimizing new technology development. OMB directed ‘evaluation’ of NIEM for Executive Branch "By 5/1/2010, all agencies shall evaluate the adoption and use of the National Information Exchange Model as the basis for developing reference information exchange package descriptions to support specification and implementation of reusable cross-boundary information exchanges. A cross-boundary information exchange is one that crosses a bureau or agency boundary, including information sharing with international, State, local, tribal, industry, or non-governmental organization partners.”
Components of NIEM A Common Vocabulary with terms, definitions, and formats - independent of an individual agency’s database management systems Repeatable, reusable process for business users to document information exchange requirements Built and governed by the business users at Federal, State, Local, Tribal and Private Sectors
What is an IEPD?
Getting an IEPD IEPD’s are available at Downloadable Free Full use authorized
Managing the Data DETECTION CLASSIFICATION IDENTIFICATION VERIFICATION* COMPREHENSION Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Minimum level of information. Identifies that a vessel exists at a place and time. Elevated level of information. Identifies the vessel type. Critical level of information. Identifies a specific vessel. Comprehensive level of information. Provides the full set of CCDR vessel EEIs. Definition Location of Ship (Latitude & Longitude) Time Stamp Vessel Size Vessel Type (e.g. , Oil Tanker, Fishing, Naval, Merchant, Passenger, Pleasure, etc.) Flag (Nation State) International Maritime Organization (IMO) Number Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) Number Ship Control Number (SCONUM) Vessel Name Hazardous Materials Nationality of Crew Nationality of Passengers Primary EEIs Affiliation Cargo of Interest Course Speed Deck Configuration Dimensions of Ship Draft of Ship Estimated Time of Arrival Follow on Ports Hire to History of Activity History of Violations International Ship Security Certificate Number Navigation Status Next, Last & Previous three Ports of Call Other Vessels Ownership Past Incidents Picture Port Propulsion Type Radio Call Sign Rate of Turn Signatures Size (Number) True Heading Type of Cargo Type of Position Fixing Device Vessel of Interest Classification Weapons EEIs from each Level of Understanding build successively upon the next.
Now and What’s Next? Now Next Trident Warrior 12 USSOUTHCOM Information Sharing Efforts Regional Domain Awareness (RDA) Technical Demonstration Next Amazon Cloud Implementation Domestic Common Maritime Picture (DCMP) International Partnerships Model Updates and Implementation Widget Development ICODE Project
Questions Frank Sisto Technical Advisor, DoD Executive Agent for MDA 703-614-1735 Tate Radlinski MDA Architechture, DoD Executive Agent for MDA 703-614-1714