Foreign Trade Zone Workshop. Gina Barro Business Development Manager Trade Development.


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Presentation transcript:

Foreign Trade Zone Workshop

Gina Barro Business Development Manager Trade Development

Qualifying businesses are considered to be outside the United States for customs purposes Encourage trade and domestic growth Roles - FTZ Board - Operators - Users - Grantee/Administrator What is a Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ)?

Application review and submission Contract creation Activation process management FTZ Annual Report compilation Document maintenance Education, outreach and marketing Customer service contact Zone schedule - Site establishment /boundary modifications - Manufacturing /production request Port of Long Beach FTZ 50 Grantee Services

FTZ 50 Map

Proximity of Warehouse/Distribution Centers San Bernardino County Alameda Corridor Ports Ontario/San Bernardino

Supporting the Economy FTZ 50 supports over 4,000 jobs Port of Long Beach supports 1 in 8 jobs in Long Beach; 30,000 people employed in goods movement-related work 316,000 jobs throughout Southern California 1.4 million jobs throughout the U.S. $16 billion in annual trade – related wages statewide

Port of Los Angeles Port of Long Beach

Port of Long Beach FTZ 50 Port of Long Beach 4801 Airport Plaza Drive Long Beach, CA Gina Barro Tel: (562) Diana Lam-Brandt Tel: (562)