Welcome to Mrs. Wenzel’s Fourth Grade Information Night! 6/4/20161
Fourth Grade Curriculum If you would like to view the skills your child is expected to master by the end of this year for each subject, please visit: These are the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) set by the Texas Education Agency. 6/4/2016 2
Respect and responsibility are very important concepts stressed in fourth grade. Students are held accountable for their behavior, and will show respect for themselves and others, their school work, their time, and the property of others, as we encourage them to assume a larger role of responsibility for their own learning and good citizenship. 6/4/ Expectations
REWARDS praise and recognition in-class rewards extra recess CONSEQUENCES warnings or conduct marks loss of recess sit out classroom activities loss of classroom privileges contact with parents 6/4/ Rewards/Consequences
Please practice multiplication facts, through the twelves, with your child at home. Students will be given timed tests throughout the year to help with memorization and speed of recall. Students also need to practice their basic addition and subtraction facts, and should be able to produce the answers without any hesitations. Drill and practice at home will be beneficial to their performance in class. 6/4/ Math
Science In the fourth grade, your child will be studying science units which include: Matter and Energy The Natural World Living Systems 6/4/2016 6
Texas History Students will explore the rich history of the Lone Star State. Texas – Past Present Future 6/4/2016 7
Students should read at least 20 minutes each night. Students will be assigned a variety of projects and assignments throughout the school year for the books they are reading. Various reading comprehension strategies will be taught to help your child grow as a reader. 6/4/ Reading
Language arts consists of writing compositions (Personal Narratives and Expository Essays), grammar, and spelling. Our primary writing focus is on the writing process and the six traits of good writers, not handwriting. Please practice handwriting with your child at home, as we are unable to spend a significant amount of time practicing in class.. Grammar (revision and editing) is a HUGE portion of the Writing STAAR test, therefore we will be exploring all parts of speech in depth. 6/4/ Language Arts
In fourth grade, students will take 3 STAAR tests: WritingMarch 29 th and 30 th Math May 9 th ReadingMay 10 th 6/4/ STAAR Tests
Language Arts spelling (vocabulary) tests will be given on Fridays. Other content area spelling/vocabulary tests will be given periodically. These are words that your child will use in class and be expected to know how to spell and use correctly context. 6/4/ Spelling/Vocabulary Test
PE/Music and Library 8:15 – 9:00 Lunch 12:21 -12:51 Computer Lab - Thursdays 10: :25 Art Lab - Fridays 10: :25 6/4/ Important Times
Math homework is given on Monday and due on Friday, unless told otherwise. Please practice multiplication facts nightly. Science and Social Studies homework will vary. 6/4/ Math, Science and Social Studies Homework
Read for 20 minutes each night. Monthly book reports will be assigned, as well as one research project in the fall semester and one in the spring. Reading and Spelling homework is assigned on Monday and due on Friday. 6/4/ Reading and Language Arts Homework
When your child returns to school after an absence, you have three days to send in an excuse note before the absence is marked as unexcused. Please send a note if your child will be going home a different way than normal. This is for safety reasons. Permission will not be granted without a parent note or a call to the office before 2:00. If your child receives three tardies, he/she will not be eligible for Perfect Attendance 6/4/ Tardies/Absences/Other notes
Fourth Grade Grading Policy All students are expected to complete and turn in all assignments on time. Graded papers that earn below a 70 may be corrected at school and resubmitted for regrading, for a grade not higher than a 70. This is the student’s responsibility, and regrading is at the teacher’s discretion. Students may come in before school if they are struggling or need assistance with an assignment of homework. 6/4/
Red Daily Folders will come home every day. Folders are expected to be reviewed daily at home, and signed once a week on Tuesdays. Please keep all papers and notes, but sign and return the folder by Thursday. During a nine-week grading period: 0-4 marks = E, 5-9 marks = S, = N, 15+ marks = U 6/4/ Discipline
Students should be recording in their planners daily. Please check this routinely, as this is an important communication tool with you for sending and receiving notes and information. Challenger Elementary (281) Keep in touch through View our school and classroom webpages for Peek of the Week and important information and updates 6/4/ Open Communication
Snacks/Water Please provide simple, HEALTHY snacks for your child, such as: Fruits/vegetables Gold fish crackers Granola bars Nuts Please pick convenient snacks that are NOT messy. Students will consume snacks in about 10 minutes while continuing with their work assignments. Students may bring water bottles as long as it does not create a problem in class. 6/4/
We do not celebrate with birthday parties at Challenger Elementary There will be 3 scheduled party days: Winter (classroom) Valentine’s Day (classroom) End of the Year (sponsored by PTA) 6/4/ Parties
Thank you for coming! We look forward to having an exciting and successful year with your child, as Challenger’s Fourth Grade Eagles are anchored in excellence! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! 6/4/